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Simple Verse

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  1. Not yet, but it might help. I tried the vocal syncing option and it seemed to be better after rendering. Maybe the same is with audiosnap. But the quantize option is obviously not meant for vocals at all. Anyway, thanks for the tip.
  2. Hi all am I the only on wondering about the quality and usefulness of audiosnap for vocals? I find it's totally unusable and the quality is very bad in comparison to Melodyne for instance. And the auto quantize is out of question. Only very minor fixes can be done manually moving the pointers, but even then the outcome is unpredictable and the quality suffers too much. I have vocals recorded to certain tempo, but there are some errors in timing and it seems like the only way is to manually split the clips and move them around and use faders. Or to use Melodyne. I have 2024.02 version of Bandlab. Kind regards
  3. Thanks for he reply. However, It's not true that only the latest version could be activated. I have the 2024.02 version and I managed to activate it. Before the upgrade the activation was done every six month. Even then I didn't update every time and was jumping over some versions.
  4. Ok, thanks for the reply. Would it help to downgrade to the previous version? Or is the activation function irrespective of the version? It should be active forever, like someone somewhere suggested. Or they could put some nominal fee for lifetime "activation".
  5. Is there any news on this topic? Why the activation error pops up more frequently than it should? I now experienced it after tackling my issue I wrote here.. . The activation should have been for 6 month (am I right?) but now after a little over a month I got the error again.
  6. Hi, After couple of months I tried to open a project in Cakewalk Bandlab(2024.02) and it was asking to sign in to my account in order to activate it. Then I saw this latest post about using Cakewalk Product Centre for activation. Is it necessary? It does not seem to install in Windows 7. Should I use some compatibility mode for installing it or can't I activate it simply by logging into my Bandlab account? Logging in does not seem to work. EDIT: It worked now when signing in through the app itself. I had forgotten the trick.
  7. Am I correct assuming this trick is rather modern thing? I don't think they used this back in the 90's in euro dance? Or what you think? Any sample tracks where this might have been applied during that era?
  8. Thanks for the insights everyone. In my case I have some recorded vocals I ordered through Fiverr and I'm not sure if the singers used any compression in recording them. Maybe I should ask. And as this tip is obviously meant for the recording phase I might not need to think about it. De-esser, one compressor and/or manual adjustment as Craig explained would do it for the peaks I guess. Or another trick is the parallel compression, that is meant for mixing stage, could be one to consider. Any ideas on that? Do people use it on EDM?
  9. Hi any idea how to achieve similar results with Cakewalk plug ins as this video demonstrates with hardware compressors? It's about vocal compression with two compressors using different settings for both, subtle and more stronger. At least the 1176 emulator is available, but how to substitute the other one and how to set them correctly? What ever the case I find it a bit hard to grasp the whole point in doing this. Doesn't the harder one overrun the more subtle one anyway? Thanks!
  10. Hi I wanted to make this one a separate thread. Can anyone confirm whether Fresh Air plug in work in Windows 7 64bit system? I got an error when trying to add it into FX slot.
  11. This is an old topic, but since my issue is closely related, let me continue here. Did anyone make Fresh air work in Windows 7 64bit system? I got an error that it's not supported in Cakewalk when trying to put it into FX slot. But maybe it's more of a Win7 issue than Cakewalk as others here managed to make it work?
  12. Can anyone confirm this update still works on Windows 7 64bit? The previous one that I still have installed works well although I know even that was not "officially" meant to work on W7.
  13. Hi is here any function in Cakewalk to let it automatically mix all the tracks and create proper EQ settings for each tracks? Os is there perhaps any plug in that does it? So that I could set it on all the tracks and then it would communicate with all the instances of itself and create balanced mix proposals to choose? Like for bass, kick drum, lead synth, pads, hihats, snare, lead vocals, backing vocals and so forth. Creating room for each instrument/track and come up with balanced master output. I looked up Wavesfactory EQUALIZER demos but I did not understand if it works that way. And Trackspacer might need manual settings too.
  14. I'm happy to see a little conversation coming out of this. Just to clarify, I'm not exactly a beginner in making music, but with Cakewalk yes. I haven't done any finalized productions on it, but I'm working on the first one. Thanks for the input for all, it's good to see different views.
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