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Steven Lewis

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Everything posted by Steven Lewis

  1. Steven Lewis

    Save as SMF?

    I did I just didn't know how to implement it. Not even a newbie but I found a tutorial on You Tube 'Creative Sauce' that finally explained it in away I could understand. Using the midi track and an audio track and how to set up the ins and outs. Thanks for the replies! Now I'll have to figure out why it changes channels on the keyboard when I try different things. But that's a post for another time.
  2. Steven Lewis

    Save as SMF?

    Haven't tried it yet. I want to put part of my song (using 'Nylon Strings' sound) into my Roland FA 07 sequencer. Mostly to get the better sound from the keyboard. The FA wants the smf format 0 only. Can I save as Midi using format 0 and just change the extension? (form *.mid to *.smf)
  3. Told ya it would take awhile, but after my last post I was getting ready for work and uninstalled asio4all before shutting down the computer. The next day I was able to work in both FL Studio and Cakewalk. When recording my Roland FA I have to mute one of the instruments I can't seem to shut it off. Mute works though. The monitor on off switch now works. I can have my computer set to be the Realtex which comes in handy when I want to check out tutorials on Youtube. I've used Cakewalk for a long time like when it was bundled with SoundBlaster! So thank you for those who told me just use the damn Focusrite! Everything works! Just one more question? ? I have a stereo output on the Roland FA 07 ( L - R ) I've plugged them both in (so it probably doesn't matter) but can I get away with just Left or Right? My guitar is hooked up in another jack in the FA (which is why I finally purchased this synth) so I can play it and record in CW.
  4. Just an update on my system (told ya it would take me awhile.) I finally hooked up the focusrite. I hadn't had studio speakers when I first tried setting it up and using the headphones constantly was a pain. It seemed easier to take the Zoom R8 out of the equation. I can always hook that up to the laptop another time. I didn't try uninstalling all the asio drivers (although hindsight I probably should have) I did have to uninstall the Rolands FA 07 driver and the old focusrite drivers. Reinstalled the focusrite and then the FA 07 drivers. Now: In FL Studio everything works very simply and the way it should; In Cakewalk by Bandlab I can't get the roland to stop playing it's sounds when Im using an instrument VsT? I can now record it's sounds to wav and the guitar is still hooked up through the roland (with the Vamp 3) but if I try to use a midi instrument I can still hear the sound of the roland. If I turn the keyboard down I get no sound If I turn off the monitor no sound (haven't tried the headphones but don't wont to have to wear those for that long, only on final mixes) I did figure out a work around by selecting one of the sounds on the roland and just turning down it's sound. That works. What I was trying to do was use the computer speakers for play back and studio speakers for recording the guitar and keyboard. This doesn't seem to work the more I play around with the settings the less sound I'm getting. I see the input. But, again in FL Studio If I want to just hear the vst I just shut off the monitor on the focusrite in cakewalk shuts everything off.
  5. Thanks for the input. I'll have to get everything set up and current un-set up so it'll be awhile. Right now I have my guitar hooked into a Vamp 3 plugged into the Roland which goes to a Zoom R8 to Studio speakers And both the ladder are USB into the computer. The FA-07 can record multi tracks all on it's own even using the wav forms from a recorded guitar or recording guitar directly. But the editing process takes too long much faster on the computer. I also like being able to mix and match several recordings for the best take. As far as my disappointment with no asio4all I have to chalk it up to OCD I hate change. The Idea of fiddling with all the plugs again can be daunting. Before anyone gets to heavy against the ZOOM I pretty much just record raw and send it to band lab for effects and panning.
  6. It is nice to finally record the sounds of the keyboard. I also have an electric guitar so I did a lot of research on which keyboard would be best suited. I got so frustrated with the Latency I ended up getting a ZOOM R8 and just transfer the wave files into Cakewalk as separate tracks. I do still have Sonar X3 and that still seems to work with asio4all (I'm starting to feel like that's a 4 letter word now ?). With all that set up I'm wondering how I would fit the Focusrite in there. I'm not very good with the technical stuff so when I finally get something to work and there is an update that changes things I get a little frustrated. As I said I got the music to play but hadn't tried recording...that was a bust say's it couldn't open the audio interface. And one file I was able to record midi but it sounded distorted and another file I opened was fine???
  7. Yea that was the problem with one of my files it selected 'none' (that one was easy) Setting up these things is always very confusing to me what works with one may not work with something else and the fact that each file saves those settings individually just gets frustrating. One of the files wouldn't play because one track was armed for record...I'm hoping it's because I opened up this browser to get answers, it cuts out the audio when I opened it (makes sense)
  8. Just tried this not sure if it was me playing around in the settings or not but it is working now thanks. The mention to say no and go with asio4all anyway just crashes the program makes it very unstable...btw
  9. I set up my Roland FA 07 which came with it's own asio driver. It works as it should in sorar X3 but not in bandlab? I did get focusrite for my lab top but haven't set it up on the desktop yet
  10. Steven Lewis

    I need ASIO4ALL

    I had a really nice system set up and now I can't get it to work because asio4all is now all of a sudden incompatible? I'm not seeing any of the other asio's on my computer although like '4all' they are software driven not hardware. I have a Roland FA 07 hooked up and that's the only thing it sees. I can't even play back audio files from cakewalk anymore. I't sees it the meters move but no sound. Very frustrated with this new set up. Anyone got any solutions?
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