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  1. I figured it out! Working now. Thank you for your help. ??
  2. Here is where I'm at. I did get the trigger working. Recording MIDI and audio. One other problem - I can hear the recording after the fact but haven't figured out how to monitor the Alesis D4 while recording. On the audio track it's going to master like every other track. MIDI input into channel 10, Midi output I tried routing to my interface midi out, which then routes to the alesis midi in. But there's no sound that I can monitor. Also tried midi out in drum map manager. i can see various alesis drum-sets there. exactly same results. whenever i try input echo on the midi track I get a horrible buzzing noise and the D4 stops working.
  3. I will check it out again tomorrow. i've got the MIDI cable set up correctly. I believe I have the MIDI channel set correctly as well but will look at that again. Maybe that's where I'm missing it.
  4. Just purchased a used Alesis D4 for the purpose of using triggers with my drums along with Cakewalk. for the life of me I haven't been able to get Cakewalk to recognize it. Any suggestions? Have read thoroughly through the manual. no luck. May end up sending it back to Guitar Center but I need to know I'm not just missing some obvious setting. Maybe i just need to buy a newer drum module that will work with Cakewalk? Behringer U-PHORIA UMC1820 is my interface. Windows 10. Recognizes MIDI keyboards just fine, but not this drum module. Thanks!
  5. One thing I haven't tried is reformatting the hard drive. That may e what it needs as it's never been done. Makes me wonder especially if you think it's an issue with my hard drive.
  6. Thanks for your feedback. I will try the suggestions and see what happens. I'd like to just get it working properly if possible. I really have no need for all the new technology at the moment. I have tried the newest version of Cakewalk on my ASUS laptop and it runs fine, at least recording one track at a time. Would need to buy a new usb interface though to record the whole band. I do have access to another brand new laptop but the speed is only 1.2 ghz. Would the new usb interfaces work with Cakewalk on a computer that slow if I was trying to record 6 tracks at once?
  7. I'm about ready to buy computer and start over. Why? In a nut shell many years ago I bought an old Dell Computer with Windows XP pro. Upgraded ram, installed new hard-drive to handle all the wave files, etc. Computer isn't connected to internet. Stripped down so it's a dedicated computer running nothing but Cakewalk. Recently started recording my jazz trio in my basement. 6 mics going in plus one midi instrument. It's using one soft Smyth - the piano that comes built-in with cakewalk. Not using any effects at all for recording. I have to keep restarting my computer after every take. Otherwise the file quickly becomes corrupt and ruins the take we just did. Starts making a horrible noise. Anyone have any solutions or do I need a new computer? Btw I've never updated any drivers. Felt this might make things worse. Currently using XP Professional 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 build 2600 Processor: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel 2394 Mhz This is a Pentium 4 CPU 2.40Ghz, 2.39 gHz, 3.62 GB of RAM Sonar Home Studio 9 Thanks
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