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Ann Ominous

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  1. @mettelus, and I just realized, you basically called that out as well. You specifically reference multiple monitors, and I glossed over that. So thanks to you as well!
  2. Steve_B, thank you. The problem did occur with both plugins added to new tracks and to plugins already loaded into the project. But your response did get me to try a troubleshooting step I hadn't thought of, which was to connect to and power on my second monitor and, sure enough - there it was. Now, this is weird because I haven't used my second monitor for a couple of months now (literally have had it powered down), and this behavior just started happening last night but, hey, the problem's solved. Welcome to the wacky world of PC behavior. ? Anyway, thanks again, appreciate the assist.
  3. Mettelus, thanks. Should have called out in my original post that I already tried that. When you hit <ALT<TAB> and look at all of the apps it shows as open, Cakewalk appears as one of them, but there's not a separate one for the plugin window. Even then I still cycled through every window, and there wasn't one for the plugin.
  4. Hope this is the right forum to post in. It's the weirdest thing, but suddenly I can't get my plugins to open when I'm working on a project. I double click on the plugin name in the FX rack, but nothing happens. Sometimes, but not every time, I see a blank window pop up for about the minimum amount of time needed to even be able to realize it happened, but that's it. The plugins load into their respective tracks, and they're working, but since the plugin window won't open, I can't edit any settings. The vast majority of the plugins are NI's Guitar Rig 6, but I'm also using, for example, the Multivoice Chorus/Flanger DX plugin, and it won't open either. I've checked all of my projects and it's the same in all of them. I've tried shutting CW down and re-opening it, and even gone so far as to reboot my system, but none of that helped. This came out of nowhere, I haven't had any issues with my plugins before, but I'm at a complete loss. If anyone has any ideas, they're greatly appreciated.
  5. @scook, thanks! I was able to play around enough with the information you pointed me to get it to work. To be honest, I still don't quite understand the configurations, but I'm now able to play and record a side stick on the snare, so I got what I needed. Thanks again, appreciate the help (knowing that F1 would get me to the SI-Drums Help documentation was the main thing. :)).
  6. Fair point, and in fact, my issue did not get resolved. When I create MIDI tracks in CW, I'm not getting the channel/bank/patch drop down lists in the track controller. My worskpace (upper right corner of the UI) was set to None, and I changed that to Advanced when I was first running into the issue, which appeared to have fixed it, but for some reason, now, even though I still have the Workspace set to Advanced, I'm not seeing these drop downs. Any help anyone can provide is appreciated, thanks!
  7. Since I can't delete a post, I'll just edit it with this note. Found the answer to the problem I was working on with this post.
  8. @scook, thanks very much. I thought that that might be the case but I just wanted to see if anyone knew. I've submitted a request on the CbB support site. Thanks again!
  9. I'm recording using the SI Drum Kit that comes with SW, and a Roalnd TD-1 virtual kit as the controller. Everything's working fine, but I can't figure out how to map different drum sounds to the various TD-1 controllers. For example, when I hit the "snare," I have some songs where I want that to be a side stick instead of a full-on snare sound. Can anyone tell me how I configure that? Thanks!
  10. Michael N., I realize you're not technical support, but I'm pretty much desperate at this point. I want to reinstall Sonar and then SD, but I've lost my CW password, and when I try to use the CW PW reset tool (https://www.cakewalk.com/My-Account/Lost-Password), I get a notification that a reset link has been sent to my email address, but I'm not getting the reset link email. I've tried a couple of times, and checked my junk mail folder, but nothing. So, apologies for bugging you about this but I am, as I said, getting desperate and just thought I'd ping you as alast ditch effort to see if you had any ideas how I can get some help on this. Thank in advance for any help you can provide.
  11. John, thank you very much! GREAT video! A couple of comments: You could make a short video of how to connect your MIDI drums if you're an idiot. The steps would be: Watch the above video on how to connect MIDI instruments in Cakewalk Once you've connected your MIDI instruments, CHECK TO MAKE SURE NONE OF THE OTHER TRACKS ARE SET TO SOLO! Yeah, I'm an idiot. Turns out it was working fine from the very outset, I just had one of the tracks set to solo so none of the other tracks could actually output any sound. ?‍♂️ Even though I figured out what the problem was, I'm still really glad I watched your video. It was incredibly helpful. So much so that I'll have to watch it again. I'm very impatient, and I immediately set the playback speed to 1.5. I do this with all instructional videos I watch, and usually it's exactly what I need. But in this case about halfway through it became evident to me that there was a ton of great information in this video, and I was going to have to watch it again at normal speed so I could truly learn how to really get started with MIDI. Again, thanks very much, REALLY appreciate the help!
  12. Okay, this is getting really annoying. Is anyone else using the TD1-DMK unit through Cakewalk and if so, what is their experience? It's inconsistent in recognizing when the device is connected, and in playing the soft synth drums when it does recognize it (i.e., half the time there's no sound produced, even when I can see that the soft synth is being triggered when I hit one of the pads). And when it is "working," there's a major delay that makes it impossible to use. So at this point I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else is using them and, if so, what they've had to do to get them to work well.
  13. I just purchased a Roland TD-1 V-drums unit, and I can't figure out how to get it to work. It's connected to my laptop through a USB port, but when I add a MIDI channel and try to select it as the input, it doesn't show up. I've tried setting the track to Channel 10, and I've also added the SI Drum Kit instrument plugin, but that ends up creating its own track and I can't map that to the controller either. I'm sure there's some simple thing that I'm missing, but I've never done this before and I can't figure out how to set it up so that I can play and record drums through Cakewalk. Any tips? If more information is needed, I'm happy to provide whatever I can.
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