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  1. native plugins: https://store.tcelectronic.com/products/native-plug-ins/ VSS4-HD 129usd VSS3 99usd MD4 HD - Hi-Res Multiband Dynamics 129usd Bundles: https://store.tcelectronic.com/bundles/ SYSTEM 6000 NATIVE BUNDLE 349usd ICON SERIES LEGACY NATIVE BUNDLE 129usd MASTERING HD NATIVE BUNDLE 59usd
  2. As far as I know, we used to see the cheapest prices on Black Friday. Now they are selling more expensively than during the year. Why is there no honest discount?
  3. Steven Slate Audio Black friday prices: https://stevenslateaudio.com/marketplace
  4. Oeksound Blackfriday discounts (ends 27november2023): soothe2 139usd+tax https://oeksound.com/plugins/soothe2/ spiff 99usd+tax https://oeksound.com/plugins/spiff/
  5. I have uad1 account from year of 2008(include only uad1 plugins with came from standart version). I added free la2a few days before. I bought this deal and now 44 plugins in my account. I can use with uad-2, Apollo and Native (no hardware need).
  6. I bought UAD1 in 2008 and paid 2000USD (my country's customs duty and import fees are high) . A few months later, UAD2 was released and I learned that I had to pay 1000 dollars more for new hardware. Since that day, I have never paid for plugins that require hardware. UAD2 into market year of 2008. Looks like uad won't be using hardware anymore after 15 years. Signature edition include 44plugins, 6,8usd for per plugin realy good offer.
  7. I live in Turkey. Earthquake affected 10 cities in the Turkey. Erathquake completely destroy 105.000 buildings. There are 40,000 people dead so far. There are still many dead under the rubble. 300,000 buildings are uninhabitable. 12 million people were affected by this earthquake. Only 1 of the destroyed cities:
  8. End 18 february 2023 https://www.zenhiser.com/products/fly-by-fx-sounds?variant=32022902734919
  9. Larry, we expect you to be as active as before.
  10. Problem solved i was able to get all my licenses back, they were very fast.
  11. I couldn't login to my account to buy this library because of 8dio deleted my account and I lost everything. This is so stupid.
  12. Sound Theory Gullfoss is clearly better than voxengo teote. https://www.soundtheory.com/home
  13. Soundtoys is a very smug company. They do not respond to discount requests. Go for plugin alliance for saturation plugins. And go for eventide h9 (178usd in the audiodeluxe.com and they give 8,9usd coupon) and clockworks bundle. I have H8000FW, plugin sounds is very closed with hardware.
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