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Cakewalk Sonar Beta [Private]
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  1. Well I still don't know what the problem is but I've found a workaround. I've copied the clips to a new track (but not copied any automation or anything else) and then bounced them to a new track. That seems to have fixed it and I have now been properly able to automate the first of the tracks. I'll do the same for the other problem ones. As the singer is coming this week to record the vocals I want the arrangement to be right for her. Having a guitar solo cutting through where she is meant to be reaching the high notes is not great.
  2. Thanks, that was my first suspicion but I've gone through it with a fine tooth comb and there are no other versions that could be playing. I've even copied the clips to a new project but with the same result. Every other song works fine, so it must just be a setting on these particular clips but I cannot find what it is for love nor money!
  3. No, not in offset mode. Interestingly when I clicked offset mode on and then off it worked properly on the simple test envelope I’d set up, but then when I tried recording something it ignored it again. Literally all I did was click Automation Write to turn it on, play the first 8 bars and move the fader as required, then stop, turn automation write off and read on, and play. Nothing. The volume envelope shows what it should be doing but Cakewalk played through as though it wasn’t there.
  4. Thanks. No, these are audio tracks.
  5. Forgive my ignorance but what are SIT’s?
  6. Can anyone help with this. On a song I'm currently working on Cakewalk is ignoring the volume envelope on some tracks. They are set to Automation Read = On and yet its as though CBB doesn't see them. Bizarrely when I downloaded the new update today they started working but now they stopped again and all I have done is record a new envelope on one of the tracks. It only seems to be certain tracks and only for this one song and I cannot see anything different on these tracks to the others. I've tried dragging the clips to other tracks but that has made no difference. Any help will be very gratefully received.
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