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crazy sniffable

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Everything posted by crazy sniffable

  1. Sorry, I missed your reply. I'm not using Workspaces. If the question was related to my issue with menu options not being available, it wasn't just a few - the only menu options were those that show when you have no project open. Pretty sure it's a bug with the "one project open at a time". Thanks though.
  2. New issues found: 1. While I had an open project, I opened the File menu to export audio and the option wasn't there. I realized that the menus were all set up like there were no projects open. I couldn't even close the open project - I exited Sonar and restarted and menus were fine. I think related - some time earlier in the session, I turned on the Preference to "Allow Only One Open Project at a Time". I'm guessing I had 2 projects open, I turned on "allow only 1", then I closed one of the projects. Sonar may now assume I've closed all projects since "there can only be one"... 2. After restarting Sonar due to issue 1, in the quick start menu, my file has " (untitled)" at the end of it, although it has a title, and it doesn't include "(untitled)" in it . You can see in the screenshot below that the file in the Sonar title bar doesn't have that odd suffix. I imagine this is related to issue 1. Old issues reported previously: 3. The Inspector has graphical issues in the bottom right side when scrolling content down - in the area that is fixed on the left side with track name and number in it. 4. ProChannel module UI is not visible in the Console view immediately on creation. Closing the Console and reopening it fixes this. See screenshot. Same display set up as before: Dual monitors: 1920x1080 Windows Scaling: 125% Sonar Display Scale: 110%
  3. Great news, thanks! I must say you guys are knocking it out of the park working with people to find and fix issues. Glad I subscribed.
  4. I've come across another couple of minor graphical issues that I can't reproduce in CbB: 1. Track heights aren't saved or loaded correctly (at least when track is minimized). Initial track heights - fully minimized: After saving, closing, and re-opening the project, the track sizes are like this: It happens at 100% display scaling, although the "expansion" is greater at higher scaling percentages. 2. Inspector only seems to allow vertical scrolling to accommodate the left section. If right section (eg: midi track setup) is bigger, some controls at the top can't be scrolled to or are cut off. Here's the maximum I can scroll down in the Inspector - see the Rev/Cho knobs cut off at top of window: But if I add more modules on the left side of the Inspector, then I can scroll the window enough on the right side. 3. Bottom of inspector - when scrolling up and down (eg: with all modules turned on), the non-scrolling area is "broken" on the right hand side. See attached video, bottom, the right hand controls. [Sorry about pics below, no way to make video (that's small enough to upload) on my PC. What are other people using to capture just regions of the screen?]. Prior to scrolling, all looks good (non-scrolling area highlighted): Content scrolled down a little - controls on the right side above the top of the non-scrolling area on the left are cut off, but the controls below the top of the non-scrolling area are scrolling down as expected: And a little more scrolling: Patch Browser control now off screen and controls on right side are cut off at the top of the non-scrolling area.
  5. I'm using dual 1920x1080 monitors. Workspace is set to None. I've never really used Workspaces but may have played with them over the years, and perhaps there are some residual settings. Seeing it at 100% (Sonar) scaling and at 110%. As above, I have a vague memory that when I first open cakewalk they looked fine, and then I played with the settings (small/large/visible, maybe loaded a new icon) and they jumped left at some point. But I'd put that at maybe 65% confidence... edit: I tried disabling GPU acceleration and restarting, but no change. edit 2: Remembered I had Windows display scaling set at 125%, but putting that back to 100% didn't resolve either.
  6. Ah, thanks. Yeah ticks vs ms makes sense especially with tempo changes. | Also, I believe the current implementation allows you to enter negative time, but doesn't actually respect it (it clamps it to zero). Wow, I'm going to test this! I used -ve delay reasonably often in the past and if it doesn't work the placebo effect is bloody strong! (It might explain a few mysteries though!) edit: I just tested, seems to work OK!
  7. Another small issue detected - track icon positions are incorrect, on both old and new projects. Version: 2024.09 (Build 105, 64 bit) See example of a new project, with icon too far left (under the track color bar). Inside a track folder the problem is worse: I swear when I first installed this new Sonar I saw icons in the correct locations, but maybe I'm imagining it. I'm on the Tungsten theme in case it matters. edit: My scaling is set to 100%.
  8. Some time in the last 3-4 weeks, BReverb2 has started producing "pops" through the audio. This is the cakewalk-specific BReverb2 plugin. I've kind of worked around this issue by increasing the ASIO buffer size. I usually have it pretty small, around 64 samples. Increasing to 128 reduced it, and at 256 it seems to be gone. However... 1. I don't understand why increasing the buffer size works at all. The same popping issue occurs when using the plugin offline, ie: exporting audio or freezing the track, where the ASIO buffer size shouldn't be a factor. Maybe I'm not understanding how the buffer is used? When mixing audio offline, why are ASIO drivers involved at all? There's no interaction with h/w. I know that ASIO buffer size and CPU usage are linked in playback/recording - the smaller the buffer, the smaller the period that audio processes can be delayed before buffers run out and audio glitches occur. But CPU usage - again, when bouncing/freezing a track, why would CPU usage be an issue? Bounces should just take longer. 2. Why do I suddenly need the increased buffer size? I did install new version of Cakewalk by Bandlab recently, and also signed up for a paid BandLab membership and installed the newly released Sonar. The problem occurs in both. However, it also occurs in Sonar Platinum which hasn't had an update in some years... I can't say for for sure it wasn't happening before those app updates - occasionally I get pops or other audio issues and a reboot solves it, so I don't always pay attention too much when it happens. All I know is that I had some heavy usage a few weeks ago and did lots of live loopback recording using that plugin and there are no pops in that recorded output with the 64 sample buffer size. I kind of doubt this is an issue with BReverb2 itself, but I read somewhere that new versions of CbB overwrite the BReverb2 plugin every update and people have had to go back to an original installer each time, but I've never done this - maybe it only applies if people have the non-cakewalk version? Is there a way to reinstall just BReverb2 from an older version of Sonar/Cakewalk? It could be Windows of course, and I've done all I can do there (uninstalling latest updates, etc.) without re-installing Windows from scratch. Has anyone else experienced this recently?
  9. I'm curious - what is negative track delay? Based on Mark's response, it's obviously not setting the "Time+" parameter to a -ve value in the Inspector on a MIDI track?
  10. I see the same thing: when I add a module in a pro-channel, I often see an empty box where module UI should be. I haven't touched scaling settings previously, so per your note, I adjusted to 105%, applied and restarted Sonar, then moved back to 100%, applied and restarted Sonar. No change - very reproducible. In my case, the missing module UI comes back if I either: a) close the console window (I have it undocked) and re-open, or b) remove another module in the pro-channel. It doesn't seem to happen with the Style Dial modules, just the ones in the main list.
  11. Good point about the synths still rendering, but I'd expect that having the synths rendering silently and ready for unmute could still happen with the playback meters off, and would make the most sense to a user when they've solo'ed or muted.
  12. Came here to request almost exactly this. In the File Open dialog (Browser might be OK but I've never really used it), it would be great to have a Preview button that plays an audio snippet associated with the project. Worst case it could be a manual thing (preview.mp3) in the same folder (or audio subfolder), and I build that once for each snippet. But ideally, a setting inside a project where you effectively mark an audio track as a "preview track" and when Cakewalk saves the file, that preview file is generated if the track has changed. The preview audio could be built into the project file itself also, but from a dev point of view I can see that getting messy. This would save me hours every few months looking for those few bars I recorded that I might fit in a song or that I just want to play with. I don't know how to "+1" on a feature request, so I rated this topic 5 stars
  13. I have an issue with the Rapture plugin. Not sure if related to this release, since I rarely use it - sorry if this is the wrong place to raise. Rapture works fine, until I route a MIDI track to it that has a Channel/Bank/Patch selected. After routing, Rapture immediately stops producing sound until I either delete and recreate the plugin or close/re-open the project. (If the project is saved with the MIDI channel already routed Rapture works fine until I hit Play on the project.) I found the silencing issue was due to Channel/Bank/Patch issue after some mucking around. Workaround of course is to set these all to NONE on MIDI tracks before routing. (They were set to external MIDI device previously, so had left-over values).
  14. Did anything result from your report? I saw an issue today that might be (sorta) related: When a MIDI channel is silenced due to another track being SOLOed, it still shows activity in the playback meter, which can be kind of confusing. I would assume it would work the same way it does for audio tracks and not show silenced activity/data. Can't see an option to change this behavior in preferences. Wondering if this is something funny with the MIDI signal path.
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