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Peter Goode

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  1. Peter Goode

    Time Line Grid

    Thanks for the help David. Solved!
  2. Peter Goode

    Time Line Grid

    How do I change the CW grid resolution on the time bar to show eighth notes without changing the meter?
  3. Has anybody ever solved the problem of the M-Audio FastTrack Pro driver, that enables it's 4in/4out channels in Windows 7, but will only enable 2/2 in Windows 10? I have found no driver updates thus far. And secondly, would a Win 7 emulator work, (such as a vCenter converter)? Cheers, Pete.
  4. Peter Goode

    Clips Move

    Has anybody had the situation where, when clicking on a clip, it moves slightly out of position. I realise that somebody may respond with suggesting it's a mouse control problem, but it has happened too many times in my latest project and has not previously happened over my many years of using Sonar, and Cakewalk. Unfortunately, the movement is slight so visually it may not be detected but only noticeable on playback . This is very annoying when renaming a bunch of clips only to discover that random clips have moved out of position? Pete.
  5. Is there a way of stopping my clip being renamed with <Melodyne> in front of my clip name after every Melodyne fix. So annoying!
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