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  1. XBaker

    Plug-In Manager Layouts

    Thanks, figured as much. Kind of annoying they can't be removed. I tried editing the originals but my edits didn't show up. I'll try again.
  2. XBaker

    Plug-In Manager Layouts

    I'm doing a little plug-in layout cleanup. I created a layout of my own and I can see it in the Plug-In Menus submenu ("FX By Category" Checked below). But I can also see the three default Layouts. Can I get rid of the circled options from the dropdown? FWIW, my Menu Layout is in a subfolder under Core Content | Plugin Menus named "My Layouts" and I point to that folder under Preferences | Folder Locations | Plugin Locations. i also tried changing the file extensions for what I thought were the three default Menu Layouts, but that didn't help. Lastly, I also looked in the Registry, but that only seemed to point to the Folder Location. Thanks for any help! Tom
  3. I'm looking for the bidirectional communication between my Kontrol S88 and Sonar per this NI statement. "Kontrol S-Series MK3 A MIDI keyboard controller that can control a DAW's transport, track selection, and mixer. It can also be used to search and audition presets, adjust track levels, and record MIDI. The Kontrol S-Series MK3 integrates with many DAWs, including Ableton Live, Bitwig, Cubase, Digital Performer, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, and Studio One." Thanks for your consideration! Tom
  4. Thanks for the informative reply, much appreciated. As a loooooooongtime Cakewalk user (1997) I was extremely hesitant to try out Cubase which is supposed to fully support NKS. I installed the Pro 13 trial and have Cubase, Kontrol S88, Kontakt, my QCon and Monogram controllers working exactly as I'd expect them to work. It's a very appealing option right now. I'll have to think hard about leaving Cakewalk behind. It'd be like losing an old best friend.
  5. Hi! Thanks, I found that icon, the little 88 with a keyboard. That works as long as I'm using Komplete Kontrol. But I'm using Konakt with a lot of Multis, because I can only load one instrument into an instance of KK. I don't see a similar feature on Kontakt. Do you know of a way to do the same thing from Kontakt? Thanks again!
  6. Hello everyone! I have the latest version of CbB. I also have Kontakt 7 and the Kontrol S88 MK3. The Kontrol is setup as a normal MIDI Input and Output device. I've also setup the Kontrol as a Control Surface using Mackie Control. I'm able to record MIDI using the Kontrol and use the few simple Control Surface features like Play, Stop, and Record. Here's the problem. To keep it simple, let's say I have two tracks, each with a Kontakt instrument. Trk 1 has Alicia's Keys, and Trk 2 has Scarbee Jay Bass. Trk 1 and its Kontakt instrument is set to Ch 1 and Trk 2 and its Kontakt instrument is set to Ch 2. I can play and record on either track from the Kontrol and everything works as expected. But the Kontrol only displays one of the Kontakt instances. Usually, the 2nd instance I load, so in this case, Scarbee Bass. I can't figure out how to get the Kontrol to display Alicia's Keys. It doesn't matter which Cakewalk track I select, or which instance of Kontakt I open. The Kontrol doesn't change its display. I need this functionality to see the instrument range and the parameters I'm changing when I tweak the rotary encoders on the Kontrol. I've tried this using two intruments in one instance of Kontakt, and I also tried using Komplete Kontrol. I know Cakewalk isn't supported by NI the way they support Cubase, Studio One, etc., but I'm hoping I'm just missing something. Anyone figure out how to do this? Thanks!
  7. Hi Jim! I opened the editor program and it's setup properly as near as I can tell. I'm in MCP moide and each fader on the Extender is sending Pitch Bend on unique MIDI channels. It's been a while since I setup the surface, but I'm not using ACT as I recall. I just updated the QCon Firmware from v1.11 to v1.13 and tried again. Now the Cakewalk Fader properly controls the first fader on the QCon EX. BUT ... now the same fader won't control Cakewalk! It appears to be a QCon issue, because it's not becoming the selected channel when I touch the fader. I just performed the Fader Test on the QCon and the first fader isn't responding to my touch. All other faders are fine. I'll go through the calibration settings again and report back soon. Thanks for your help!
  8. I installed 2022.11 Build 21. I'm using it with my two QCon Pro G2 control surfaces, the 2nd of which is the Ex. I cannot get Cakewalk Volume to control the automated fader on the first track of the Extender unit. All other faders on both QCons respond to fader motion in Cakewalk. And all faders in Cakewalk respond to motion on the QCon hardware. I believe the hardware fader in question is working properly, that is, is still motorized, because at hardware Startup, it snaps to 50% of the throw. To the best of my recollection, the fader was working correctly when I was using 2022.11, the official release. Possible defect? Thanks, Tom
  9. Absolutely. I use lots of keyboard shortcuts, assign new shortcuts for the things I do often, etc. But I still rely on the mouse maybe a bit too much. Hence, my recent purchases of several DAW Controllers; QCon Pro G2 and EX, Mongram Traveler, and my Nektar Impact LX88+.
  10. Thanks, Michael. Track Templates are indeed a big improvement over doing it from scratch each time. It was two clicks to insert a Track Template consisting of The Grandeur piano hosted in Kontakt and with a reverb inserted, vs a dozen or so to do it from scratch. I'll create a few more Track Templates for my Go To instruments.
  11. Not to pick nits, but it's two clicks.; one to open the dropdown, another to make the selection Two clicks here, two clicks there, it can add up.
  12. Thanks for the reply, Noel! I'd love to see an option for changing it to something else, perhaps in the .ini file, if not in the UI. Tom
  13. When I choose Insert Instrument, the default Instrument is TTS-1. Is it possible to make a different instrument the Default? I searched the Help, this forum, and poked around Manage Plugin Layouts, but no joy. Thanks for any help!
  14. Back in May I said I'd report back here after I received my Monogram Traveler control surface. Well, after a long shipping delay combined with a household move, I've finally had some time to work with the unit in Cakewalk. So far, it's met my expectations. It's quite easy to program using the included Creator software. The unit can be setup to send Windows OS, Keyboard, MIDI, and Joystick messages. I primarily set it up to send Cakewalk Keyboard Shortcuts and some MIDI CCs. For example, I setup a couple of profiles to control Play, Arm, Record, Go to Start, Go to Next/Previous Measure/Marker, Zoom Horizontally and Vertically, Jump between Tracks and Buses, etc. and send CC messages for Expression, Dynamics, and Vibrato. Scrolling through the Timeline and/or Zooming In/Out by turning Knobs is sweet, and by Pressing the same Knob I can go back to the Start. One trick I learned is that I can setup a Button to send multiple Keyboard Shortcuts. For example, I setup a Button to send Alt+F then A to perform a Save As. You can do that to access any menu item, and it can go as deep as you need to. Bottom line, it's easy to program and use, takes very little space on the desk, looks great, and it just works. I'm a fan.
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