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Everything posted by lychee
Hello As said in another post, believing that my audio interface was not working (motu 828 mk3), I was making sound with the internal card of my motherboard and asio4all. But I discovered that the problem came from Something else, so I put my Motu back in function, but now I'm having a new problem. I try to configure my machine (core I7 4790k, 16gb of ram) and my interface with Cakewalk, but it's hard for me to have a clean sound without parasites. The only times I get a correct sound is when I has turn off the management of multi core. I do not understand, I feel that everything worked better with the sound of the motherboard than my professional interface. Does this come from the Motu or is my core I7 no longer able to make Cakewalk work properly, or is this Cakewalk itself? I don't know what to do, I think it's Cakewalk the culprit and I'm about to quit the adventure with this DAW that I use for decades, so please prove me that I'm wrong and reconcile me with my DAW. Best regards.
Thank you for your clear and precise answer Scook. Effectively putting the Non-Linear option solves the problem for LP-EQ. But what should I do if I don't have that kind of option in a plugin like for Vocal Doubler for example? And why is the problem there, even on tracks not affected by the plugin?
Hello! For years I thought that my audio interface Motu 828 mk3 no longer worked, while it was my microphone that was dead. Today I try to put my home studio back on, integrating my two old external synths through Cakewalk and my Motu. So I clicked input echo to be able to apply the Cakewalk plugins in real time on my external synths, I lowered the latency in the asio drivers, and I muted the inputs on the interface so as not to have some kind of chorus effect. Everything worked well until I added some plugins like Izotope Vocal Doubler, or the Cakewalk L-Phase EQ (LP-EQ). I don't know why, but its two plugins (and probably others) generate a monstrous latency on the input echo tracks, even if they are not on the tracks in question. Is there a solution to the problem or is it a Cakewalk bug? Another problem, it seems that in the project settings I can not put the clock on internal, obviously the option comes back every time on the audio clock.
I know it's really too late to ask this question, especially as the CAL/Studioware has been abandoned for a long time ago, but I don't understand why it all remains hidden if it's functional? It's just a line in the menus, why not hand over the Studioware editor to those to whom it's useful?
How do you created custom Studioware Panels when they are not accessible?
As mentioned above, if I did not opt for the Midiquest solution, it is because I find that the software is far too expensive for the poor person That I am (399$). But it is true that it seems to be a powerful tool and I admit to being charmed by the vst option. It must be cool to control the hardware via a plugin as if it were a vsti, and with an interface more user-friendly than the small LCD screens of my machines.
I know there was the ability to program CAL scripts to do complex things Cakewalk and in Studioware panels, but maybe a simplified version of the tool like FX Chain could be done, no?
I'm obviously very late on the new (not really new) of the end of Studioware panels. It's a shame because it was a really good idea for those like me who have external devices and who would have wanted to control them other than by their small screens. I resucite my old synth (JV1080 and MU100R) set aside for a while and these panels would have helped me. I had thought at one time that the fx chain were a new version of studioware, but obviously I was wrong. There are solutions like Midiquest or Ctrlr, but Midiquest is in my opinion too expensive, and Ctrlr which is free, I did not have to operate it on Cakewalk. Too bad for this step back, but if this tool exists somewhere in the bowels of Cakewalk, why not revive it and update it?
Hello ! I've been on Cakewalk since the days of Cakewalk Express and then Cakewalk Pro Audio 6, and I see that an interesting option of the program has disappeared. Studioware panels were the ability to create on-screen interfaces to control some external MIDI devices. You could put graphic elements, textures, create buttons, knobs ... and attribute them to what we wanted. It seems that this option is hidden in the Bandlab version of Cakewalk, so that in "preferences/folder locations" there is always talk of Studioware panels. It would be cool if Bandlab unlocked this option which was to my liking a good idea.
Hello. I much prefer to use the bézier curves for midi controllers rather than drawn it in classic way. Because it's easier to have a fluid shape compared to drawing by hand with a mouse. Besides it's a bit confusing and I do not understand why there are still the two methods in Sonar (...oops Cakewalk ?), knowing that for those who prefer hand drawing it is always possible to do so with the bézier. The problem with the midi béziers in Cakewalk is that they don't seem to act as precisely as in classic mode, it's hard to play in real time. There is a latency who often, when I play my music from the middle some controllers do not follow, it's realy frustrating and I have to go back a little bit to take them into account and play it properly. When I make a rendering of the sound in mp3, there also sometimes some controllers who play badly, and I have to make an advanced conversion by unchecking the quick conversion to make it work. If I want to convert my music to .mid, then the controllers are simply not applied. In short there are a lot of problems with the midi beziers, and it would be cool if the developers could take a look at it. Thank you in advance.
There is a work around, but it look tedious and claims to use 2 tracks for 1 instrument :
I asked in the Instruments & Effects section If there was a keyswitch management system in cakewalk like on Cubase? Obviously no, so it would be a great help and a considerable time saver, seen the ton of virtual instruments based on the keyswitch that exist, to have this kind of option.
The problem with separate midi and audio tracks of virtual instruments is that, it can be quickly confusing if you have a lot of channels to manage, like in an orchestral music for example. That's why I prefer to let them combine, but in this way Cakewalk considers it to be only an audio track.
Thanks @Kaustub, but no, I do not need a virtual keyboard, as I said I compose by drawing notes in the piano roll, and yes, what I need is exactly an expression map (thank you, I didn't know how to name it) as in Cubase, and I am sad to know that it does not exist in Cakewalk. Again something to suggest in the feedback loop section.
Hello! Is there an interface for Keyswitchs in Cakewalk to easily change the sounds of virtual instruments as in Kontakt? I'm a piano roll composer (I don't have a keyboard and I don't know how to use it), and it will be very useful for me to have a way to change the Keyswitchs as in this video:
Hello As i said here I think instruments track need an update to be more user friendly, because it is impossible to add directly a MFX plugin, and you can't insert midi bezier's automations like regulars midi tracks. I'm on a symphonic composition with a lot of virtual instruments track and i cant' copy my MFX from a track to another because I have no direct access to them, but only in track inspector. And for me, it's more easy to use bezier rather than drawing CC controlers in Piano Roll, and here again, no access to midi automations on instruments track. I had discovered something else a long time ago and I do not know if it has been corrected since, it is that when you save your music in midi file, your midi automations are not taken into account. I hope that the Bandlab team will want to take into consideration my update request in the next version of Cakewalk. Best regards.
Thanks guys for your answers, but… @Cosmo Kramer: I know that you can directly draw CC in the Piano Roll (I am a user of this DAW since cakewalk pro audio 6) , but i prefer the flexibility of bezier curves. @scook: As I said above, i know i can insert MFX by the Track Inspector, but i can't copy and paste it or make a copy by drag and drop from a channel to another. I can only créate one by one my MFX in every instrument tracks and put the same characteristics Inside, and that's "exhausting". It is sad to know that to have the beziers on an instrument track, that it should be deconstructed, and I think a little update should be done on it to be more user friendly. Again thanks for your replies, and I will post a suggestion above on the feedback section.
Hello guys and girls ! (first post here) (Huston ?) I have a problem. When I want to use a bezier line automation in my instument channel, I have only access to the audio controls of this channel (audio volume and pan, audio plugins and FX…). How to switch to the midi part of an virtual instrument channel to insert (for exemple) an expression automation. And how on the main project window insert a midi FX on virtual instruments ? Because i can only do that in the inspector window, and this way i can not copy my midi FX to an other channel if i want to. Sorry i'm bad in English (i'm french) and I hope I have been clear in my explanations. Thank's in advence. Best regards