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  1. About this, I was recommended to go on another program which is working out kind of.. but thanks anyways for the offer
  2. Need help making a melody for my song in A flat major in Bandlab Thanks! Here is the link.. idk if it has to be public or I have to publish it https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/3f4aae10-6fcd-eb11-a7ad-0050f280467f?sharedKey=Kk0VeNT3tUSq_df05rc_Qg
  3. How do I make my bandlab song public... do I have to publish??
  4. https://www.bandlab.com/mix-editor?id=5c3a7b54-3fca-eb11-a7ad-0050f280467f here is what I made so far.. any suggestions for a melody??
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