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Cédric Lawde

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Everything posted by Cédric Lawde

  1. Unfortuntaly, it's all my project actually...
  2. I've a lot of bugs since the last updates : freezing, crash and so on... How could you send a dump file if is relevant ? Netherless, I need to rollback to work in wainting a better one : where can I find the last version ?
  3. Thanks, everyone! Cakewalk 9 was the right one. Time to make some music now...
  4. I've mentioned this is a very specific project. In fact, I need to access the few samples on the EMU chips from a SoundBlaster sound card. So, I need to use SoundFont directly with SoundBlaster. I'm familiar with the old sfZ player (I usually use VSTSynthFont myself). I think that Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 was the last to support it natively... Do you confirm ?
  5. Hi, I need to reinstall an older setup for a specific project. I've purchased nearly every version of Cakewalk since 1998, and I'm trying to find the last version that natively implemented SoundFont technology. Do you happen to remember which one that was? Thanks for helping me avoid reinstalling every version just to test this out! 😄
  6. Since switching to Sonar, I've had a problem with some of my old files. It's not immediate. At one point, when I click on the track name to edit it, I can select everything with a double click but I can no longer click in the middle of a word to correct it if necessary. If I create a new file, I don't have this problem. Strange, isn't it?
  7. Without show ProChannel, could be possible to open the EQ zoom windows directly in the Inspector EQ ? Like this ?
  8. Besides, if the measurement was on the screen when space is possible, that would be great!
  9. I've found it ! Thanks you very much, Noel !!!
  10. It's curious. I don't see TH-U. This is not an automatic installation? I have to do something ?
  11. And for the suggestion. Sometimes I need to change my audio input on the fly. It would be perfect to be able to do it directly in the Instruments track without having to split it and recreate it. This is important enough to me that it's something that might make me jump straight to Cakewalk Sonar.
  12. Thanks Glenn, I know the principle. But I'm afraid it's impossible to create a multi-output instrument (I've used it all day long) to force clients to transit to Cakewalk Sonar. This explains the “Regression”. I'm waiting for the first feedback from the user before updating.
  13. And since we're talking about instrument tracks, I'm missing a very annoying configuration possibility. At most, you can view and modify the MIDI input, AUDIO output, channel such as bank and MIDI patch. Thanks for that. But it is impossible to choose the AUDIO input of the virtual instrument as for a normal AUDIO track. I understand that this is limited to the instrument in question, but sometimes it is useful to be able to choose the audio output of it. This missing function is annoying because you must first divide the instrument track, correct the audio input and recreate an instrument track. It's embarassing
  14. Hi ! Whats about "Regression: Per Output Instrument Track disabled in Add Track flyout menu" ? Could you explain why ?
  15. Hi cclarry, Could you you explain us who you use Animation Station with Cakewalk ? Its seems a cool plugin
  16. Sure : The issue appeared when I use selection. I’ve selecting arranger sections without events - so no tracks or clips were selected when I do the export. I should either: 1. Use the time ruler to do the selection, or; 2. Enable "Select Events with Sections" and ensure the tracks/clips are showing as selected before you open the Export Audio dialog.
  17. My fault : the Cakewalk staff easily found what I was doing wrong. Thanks ?
  18. Since the last update, I can't bounce my project. Cakewalk export a wave file with only 4 ko. I change some parameters like dithering and so on, but it's change nothing ar all... CDWM865D Corsaire.wav
  19. I'd like to. Unfortunately, my only solution is to restart Windows (with CTRL-ALT-DEL cause the Windows menu also seems to be blocked).
  20. Yes. Bandlab account is ok. I've check my izotope plugs and, as usual, its Ozone who freeze the system. No Cakewalk sorry. iZotope is heavy bugued...
  21. Hi, Since, the last test update my Cakewalk freeze regularly. it's annoying... ? And the rollback change anything... The freezing windows continue...
  22. I'm not pretty sure this is a 2021.12 issue, but my vst windows rest in front of cakewalk windows (like staff view, piano roll, as cakewalk itself). I cannot send them to the background.
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