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Everything posted by Kawika

  1. Used S-gear only (gtrs) on a just released LP ;love it.............Down in Smoke David Gale.
  2. OK abacab, I had thought a native plug- in like Cakewalk Electric Piano would be a good experiment example, but I guess not. Yea, I usually use 3rd party synths e.g., Omnisphere 2, Kontact horns, B4 organ etc. I will start experimenting with those. I guess it's not critical I map to the controller because I am able to play all my plug ins without incident and can edit afterwards; I just thought it'd be nice, and not such an endeavor to get started. Last rabbit hole: I don't have Automap although it is a recommended download for my controller. Is Cakewalk compatible with this and do you think it's worth exploring? thanks for you patience!
  3. "Usually the setup process for MIDI learn is as simple as (1) activating the MIDI learn mode in the instrument plugin" No luck yet. How do I activate the MIDI learn mode in ....say, cakewalk electric piano........... as an example?
  4. OK, Thanks for that! So let's take the cakewalk electric piano as an example. I see it has the ACT learn mode which I assume must be engaged when assigning CC number. And I see on controller how to change cc numbers. I need the cc# unique to the piano for each of its functions e.g., chorus, yes? And where do I find those numbers? thanks again
  5. No, Novation not midi learn, sadly, but thanks. Thanks Mike Z....wow, there is a lot to digest. I did find a Midi-ox way to control my Omnisphere. I just need the Novation Grid or map...not sure of correct vocab for the Bank/ Control/ Parameter/ CC# grid. I don't know where to find that. Perhaps it is right in front of me in my tiny LCD screen?
  6. Thanks ABACAB, I will try that tomorrow! I did make some progress today by accident: I noticed on the LCD "B4 org". I love the old Native instruments B4. Sure enough, the controller controlled all of it's parameters; didn't have to do a thing!
  7. I thank you both for your info. yea, Tezza, I'm not planning to use the mouse; I was just trying to understand why it triggered a more robust sound; thanks for your explanation. I read something about HUI and downloaded something called the MIDI-ox, recommended from Novation. It's a little over my head. I'm much better with chord inversions, lyrics etc he he. I'll look at it again I am surprised to hear that Cakewalk BL has not updated support for mid controllers; it seems like a priority The piano is not bad, and many people have 3rd party synths to use. Hmm. I am able to trigger (play music, just not use any of the faders, knobs) my synths with the Novation controller. Perhaps, I could just do that and tweak the sound, distortion, vibrato etc afterward in Cakewalk?
  8. Follow-up. Why would the mouse trigger the soft piano with more velocity/attack than the midi controller?
  9. Hi, Two questions: (1) What midi keyboard controller(2) is most compatible with CakewalkBL? (2) I borrowed a friend's Novation Impulse 49 to possibly buy, but I can't seem to get it to "work." Well...It actually triggers the soft synths but when I engage the synths with my mouse the sound, is much more robust indicating a problem. Anybody point me to instructions on setting up the novation with CakewalkBL? I
  10. OMG. I thought I was in for a nightmare: I updated Win 10, 4 years ahead, and downloaded cakewalk. No problems, none! Thanks everyone for the sage advice! This Cakewalk is much better than Splat (or the HELP pop ups are educating me on features that Splat had). Anyway: fun city!
  11. Thanks Mark: Good advice. And I will do one of the 2. Yea, I guess, before I open up the flood gates, I was just wondering if anybody wished they'd had their old OS version. I have been out of the loop for several years , but working smoothly. In fact, I just released Down in Smoke, David Gale (10-songs). Thanks guys ....looks like it's a (cautious) go.
  12. "If your machine was built by Jim, is likely to be much more powerful than mine." Yes it is and runs great. The reason I'm posing the question now is I am between projects. By the way I do fear problems as a result of being online. Although, with that computer, I am only online when I have to be.e.g., downloading a 3rd party new plug in.
  13. Ok, thanks guys. Although I don't miss the intruding updates, I suppose it makes sense to accept them. I bought the rig from a Jim Roseberry 4 years ago. It worked so well with updates disengaged, I didn't change it. thanks again.
  14. Hi, I bought a computer 4 years ago and it has been working great without incident. It (windows) was configured to not update automatically. I have not updated windows since. I’m vacillating between “If it aint broke don’t fix it” and “You don’t know what you are missing”. My behavior: I usually run about 40 trks per song. Midi is relatively minimal, a couple synths . I use live drums. I still use the last Cakewalk Sonar (Plat) program. I use high end 3rd party plugs and synths. I plan on downloading Sonar-band camp and perhaps another DAW. Can you guys weigh in on whether I should update my win os? Thanks! Kawika
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