Have been using Sonar then free CWbB for many years. I understand there is now a transitioning process in place while the paid for versions are being introduced.
I have a stable/clean/hi spec Windows 10 system with the latest CWbB but now, every time I open it (after PC restart) I get the scary red activation message and the only way to get it activated and working fully is to use the 'refresh activation' dialogue in the BandLab assistant 'app'. The 'Cakewalk product centre' app doesn't seem to have this feature other than 'offline activation' which seems irrelevant to me as I am always online.
CWbB remains activated but loses this status after a system restart (I always turn my PC off overnight).
This is a real nuisance, unfriendly and frustrating!
Can someone let me into the secret on how to keep CWbB activated all the time, even after a PC restart!?
Thank you and sorry if answered already elsewhere- didn't know how to find it!