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Rob Chang

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  1. I haven't read through the entire thread, so I don't know if this has been asked already, but I just installed the new Cakewalk Sonar and I noticed something immediately about the new GUI that I wish they didn't change. Colorings the tracks themselves is gone--all my tracks that had assigned colors now only have that thin little vertical strip at the beginning of the track lane with the assigned color, which isn't nearly as helpful compared to having the entire track colorized, which is much more distinct. Is it gone for good or they're simply bured somewhere in the preferences and I can get them back?
  2. I have a big project file that contains many tracks of different guitars playing the same passages, as a tone comparison reference master file. At some point recently, the project will no longer save any changes to the track folders state (which ones are collapsed and which ones are open), and I've added many new tracks to it since then and each time I have new track folders states that should have been saved with the new recordings, but they weren't. So every time I open that project, all the new recordings I've made are there, but the track folders state stay the same as when the glitch started happening. It doesn't matter of I collapse the folders that are open and open the ones that collapsed and then save--it just reverts back to that one state. What can I do? Clear out a cache of some kind? Rebuild the track folders saved state some how so it'll start updating with each new save?
  3. Can we please get Z3TA+ and Rapture back, or some other synth? One of the most glaring holes in CbBL currently is there's no quality synth included. TTS-1 is not what anyone would call a quality synthesizer due to how limited it is. I don't know why Z3TA+ and Rapture had to be taken away from CbBL in the first place. It's not like they're still being sold. I teach music production to a lot of hobbyists and I tell all my students to use Cakewalk because it's free, but when it comes to using synths in their tracks, TTS-1 is so primitive and meh that the students are just not impressed. Having them go find/download/install third-party synths adds more complication because often there are compatibility issues with those, including installation complications such as the VST not showing up in Cakewalk even if the directory is being scanned. Having a high quality included synth will make the DAW feel more complete and usable right out of the box. And these students will "graduate" to paid version of Sonar when it comes out, and if they are already familiar with an included synth they really like, it'll be a smoother transition.
  4. Thanks! I don't recall when the MIDI transform tool was added--I must have either forgotten about it or didn't pay attention. I've been eyeing other DAWs because I'm worried about the future of Cakewalk. But I've been using it since the early aughts, and it's still being updated often, plus it's free.
  5. I know we can use the draw tool to shape velocity in Cakewalk, but I don't think there's anything like the "velocity tilt" tool in Cakewalk? See example in this timestamped video: https://youtu.be/tMQtz-x0EKY?t=590
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