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Ianshawn Smith

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Everything posted by Ianshawn Smith

  1. So... I renamed the TTSSEQ.ini to TTSSEQ.ini.new and my second x-touch extender still did not show up as an output. I used the USBDeview and I do not see multiple instances of the x-touch extension. I supposed I can go and clean up other devises that are no longer connected, but this does not solve my current problem. Even after cleaning up USB devices using USBDeview and restarting my computer, Cakewalk does not give me two outputs for the X-Touch Extensions. USBDeview shows the two different devises connected.
  2. I have not. I will give this a try and read the article as well. fingers crossed and I'll keep you posted.
  3. My settings as you have mentioned and yet still only one X-touch extender shows up on the outputs. I've attached screenshots of how Reaper is able to see and label the two extenders.
  4. As shown in the screen shots, Cakewalk will list both extenders in the input, but only show one in the output. I don't have this issue with Reaper or Pro Tools. And yes, Behringer uses USB for midi.
  5. I will give it a try as you have suggested. I have been attempting and researching this topic for a couple of years now and the only workaround I have found is using a network option to use the second extender utilizing a ethernet switch. In the past using usb I would get an error and not able to use the second extender because cakewalk thought it was the same devise. Cakewalk reads them as X-touch and X-touch Ext. so when trying to add the second extender I can't use the second one as a unique output. I hope this makes sense.
  6. I have a Behringer X-touch and (2) X-touch extenders. Because of how Cakewalk labels the (Mackie Control XT) extenders, I am only able to use one of them (the extenders). Cubass, Reaper, and I believe Studio One labels their Mackie Controllers with more detail so that you can use more than one extender. I have been using and loving Cakewalk for the better part of 20 years and I would love for this to be adjusted. There are work-arounds, but that involves networking and additional 3rd party software that I don't really care to add to my computer. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. PS. There is a software developer that goes by the name of Drivenbymoss who has created a plug-in for Reaper and Bitwiz that allows for the use of colors and 7 characters on the scribble strips. This would be an added bonus request, but I would be okay for now if the relabeling of the Mackie Control could be addressed so that I/we can fully utilize our hardware with this amazing software.
  7. It would also be nice to add the ability to have color scribble strips for the behringer xtouch like Reaper. Please and thank you.
  8. I am requesting the ability to use two behringer x-touch extenders like other daws. Cakewalk is the only one that has this naming issue that doesn't allow two extenders to be used. My setup is one behringer xtouch and two behringer xtouch extenders so that I can have 24 motorized faders. Please and thank you.
  9. I recently started having this problem after reloading windows and cakewalk on my computer. I didn't have this problem before. I get this problem trying to use melodyne, vocal sync, or bouncing to clip. How do I submit a project file?
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