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Tom Ham

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  1. Sad update: Not working again. When I went back to this today and plugged my bass into the Behringer interface, Cakewalk crashed. This is with the latest driver from Behringer's website. The previous driver didn't work for me, and the newest driver only allowed WASAPI, which I was happy to use (as long as it worked). Now I'm back to ground zero. Only thing I can think is that the old bad drivers are not getting completely removed in the "uninstall" process, but I don't knwo what I can do to fix that -- or even if that's the real problem. Thanks to all who tried to help me with this. (By the way, Behringer's online support is next to useless.) It's a great box, as long as you don't need any assistance from the manufacturer ?)
  2. It's working now. Thanks everyone! I tried all the available drivers from the Behringer website and none of them worked. When I was uninstalling I noticed that in the list of programs in Windows Control Panel, the Behringer driver was taking up no drive space at all - the size was listed as zero. I downloaded the latest driver one last time and as a last resort I excluded the setup file from my antivirus (McAfee). I've never had to do this before and I can't say if that's what did the trick but this time the driver installed and worked. One note: I have to use WASAPI. When I try to switch to ASIO CbB freezes and I have to close it to get back into Preferences.
  3. Setting up a new computer with CbB. The PC has Realtek built-in sound, and that worked fine for a couple of days when I was just playing stuff back. But When I plugged in the audio interface to record, Cakewalk stopped playing sound. In Preferences| Driver Settings, my only choice is "Realtek ASIO HD Audio. The Behringer does not show up at all, and no other ASIO, WDM or WASAPI drivers show up either. In Device Manager I have disabled the Nvidiia audio drivers. In the Windows sound control panel, the Behringer is listed as the default input and output. I have uninstalled the driver, rebooted and reinstalled the latest one. I have uninstalled Cakewalk and reinstalled. At various times I have seen these error messages: The default sample rate and bit depth is not supported by one or more sound cards. All audio ports have been disabled. Unable to open audio playback device. Device may not support the current project's audio format or may be in use. I have switched the default bit rate and resolution in the Windows sound control panel back and forth from 24/48k to 16'14.4k, but still Cakewalk won't make any sound. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? Thanks!
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