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About Dreamer

  • Birthday 03/03/1908

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  1. I record their performances. I send them a scratch track to listen to, and they come to my home to do the actual recording. Some just don't have PC's or Macs. Just their phones.
  2. Perhaps my question was not worded correctly? I think this has sidetracked. I was asking about androids, iPhone apps for sharing music between musicians via smartphones. A lot of my musician friends don't even have PC's or Macs anymore. Just phones.
  3. Great idea. But yeah...AI? ☹️ I am an aficionado of the 70s, the golden years. Decade of the producers. AI may mean the end of it all. The beginning of the end of natural creativity.
  4. I'm curious, I'd like to know how musicians/producers communicate their project ideas to other musicians nowadays using smartphones. I've had great success with cats that have desktops/laptops or Macs, but occasionally I have to deal with musicians that don't have any of these. All they have is a smartphone. I usually just circumvent them and use other musicians. But, I think that's not a good idea. With smartphones, sending a music file, is a hassle with some SMS due to file size. I've tried WhatsApp, but some cats are not that smartphone savvy or do not use it. What other simple, free ways are there to share a project music file via a smartphone? I'm not sure if this is the proper forum for this question, but there are a lot of bedroom producers here such as myself who use Cakewalk and have tons of great music and great ideas. I hope I'm not breaking any rules.
  5. Okay, thanks. I just didn't understand what you meant by "W". Now I get it, (the automation button looks like a "W"). But most importantly, I didn't know how to view the buses on the track view. Without that, I couldn't do anything with the bus. (Shift + B). Thanks everybody...I got it now.
  6. Thanks SteveC. Found that out shortly before the posted answers, (Shift + B). But I swear I couldn't find this anywhere but for a posting here where someone mentioned that keyboard command. As for that, D'oh! Or just click "W"....why post if you can't help?
  7. I used to be able to put gain/pan envelopes in buses with Sonar 8.5. But how is done in Bandlab? Looked over multiple YouTube videos, googled till my eyes bulged. Read old Garrigus Sonar books, to no avail. What's changed, is it doable? I read via the Edit Filter on tracks and buses, but there is no edit filter on the buses. How's it done?
  8. I'm importing an old project's track waves into a master project templet I saved. The saved project templet has no markers, and I would like to try to export/import markers into it from the old project. Is this possible only with Bandlab? Thanks!
  9. I want to streamline my projects. I have my favorite plugins and was wondering if I could save the templet with all the parameters to include the plugin?
  10. Wont play nice with mine. Wont work at all...
  11. Sorry for all the confusion. To answer, the engineer basically wanted to coach me over the phone as a co-mix, not remotely. I've since pulled back and hired someone else. This idea to me was ridiculous and the mere suggestion of doing this teed me off. I thought that after so many years wow has the industry really progressed. But something just didn't sound right and despite the explanation that was given to me, (to keep the project in an acceptable budget for me), my gut was telling me he was taking me for an idiot. As always, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I've learned to trust my instincts and the red flag stuck out like a sore thumb.
  12. You're so right. It was so obvious. I've moved on from this sound engineer...
  13. Sorry for all the confusion. To answer, the engineer basically wanted to coach me over the phone as a co-mix, not remotely. I've since pulled back and hired someone else. This idea to me was ridiculous and the mere suggestion of doing this teed me off. I thought that after so many years wow has the industry really progressed. But something just didn't sound right and despite the explanation that was given to me, (to keep the project in an acceptable budget for me), my gut was telling me he was taking me for an idiot. As always, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I've learned to trust my instincts and the red flag stuck out like a sore thumb.
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