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Matias Nicolas Biglieri

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  1. i'm referring to the migration vst3 option that appear on the vst adjustments in the preferences note that i have installed in my system the kontakt 6 in vst2 and the kontakt 7 only in vst3
  2. I have both installed, in some projects i have some instruments loaded in K6 and others in K7, the question is with that ''migration tool'' if i delete the version 6 all the presets and stuff will be loaded in 7 with no changes in the sound
  3. When you move up and down the fader in a track that have some fx plugins on you are increasing/decreasing the audio signal that enters the plugins or you are modifying the final audio already processed?
  4. I remember in old versions of cakewalk when you create a cc1 and start to draw the dynamics it was much more precise and smooth, it was like painting with a brush, now you have that big red bars that goes one for each midi event... i can't change the dynamic in the same note, there's some way to go back to the old editing?
  5. I want to export a project from a performance with a piano vsti that i did but the resulting audio is always cutted in the end, i want to the last chord to resonate until the sound dies, how can i do this??
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