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  1. Hello, My Cakwalk is in french, except for the commands bar who stay in english ? Is it possible to change the langage of the commands bar from english to french ? Thanks a lot in advance for your help ?
  2. Sorry for my english, i'm french... I use cakewalk with a vst plugin by Lepou named "Hybrit" who simulate a Marshall amplifier. Till this, no problem. I charge a preset called ACDC - Hybrit.fx and this run perfectly. If i do some adjustments, i can save the new preset with the name ACDC-2 for exemple. But when i want to recall the new preset, nothing appear in the list in the little window on top of the plugin (up and on the left side)(up and left side) You can see what about i talk in the file joined (in the red circle, "Aucun preset" mean no preset) I hope you understood my problem... Thank a lot in advance
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