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  1. Hello I have Cakewalk 2024.07, build 108 and have noticed that it now will not open some vst3s. I installed a couple of new vst3s about 10 days ago and they open and work fine. Then I tried updating a couple of older, existing vst3s and neither of them would open ( although their vst2 versions would open) I attached a couple of images to show the error I get and my current VST Scan settings. The first link below shows another forum discussion about this subject. Is moving the vst3 still the best solution.? Does the new subscription Cakewalk Sonar have this problem? Thanks for any help. I hope I inserted images and form links correctly. John
  2. Hello: I just updated to 2021.12. The installation seemed to go well. I then started Cakewalk and a browser window popped up asking me to sign in to BandLab. When I tried to sign in, Firefox said it couldn't connect to localost xxxx and that I should wait a few minutes and try connecting later. I waited and tried several times, but it still won't connect to BandLab. Does the sign in after updating Cakewalk have to do with continuing my activation? Is this something I could do later inside of Cakewalk? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks, John
  3. This might be obvious to some, but I want to check to make sure: I did not get the update 2021.06. Can I update from 2021.04 directly to 2021.09? Will 2021.09 also have all the updates included in 2021.06? I imagine it does, but I wanted to check. Thanks, John
  4. Scook: Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the information, and it's good to know. Thanks, John
  5. Hello: I am thinking about downloading and trying out new sounds in Sforzando and Decent Sampler VST Instruments. My audio interface is set for 16-bit @ 44.1k. I also do all my projects in Cakewalk at the same audio settings. Some of the samples I'm looking at for Sforzando and Decent Sampler are done at 24-bit @ 48k. Would those files for these VSTs play correctly in my 16-bit @44.1k project or would there be a conflict. I'm a little confused by that. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks. John
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