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Dana Elston

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  1. I used CTRL + TAB and nothing came up.
  2. This has happened with small and large projects for me.
  3. Sample Rate is 44100, Bit Depth is 24. Yes using ASIO. I just unchecked Load Balancing. Thanks I will give that a whirl...
  4. I'm encountering a playback problem I've not seen before. In the last few weeks while playing a song in Sonar (new version) I can't stop the playback. My mouse, keyboard have no affect on stopping it or allowing me to tap on anything at all. I have to use Control Alt Delete to stop and get out of it. And one odd thing is the window I'm viewing shows the song playing in a loop (it stays in one particular area like between the same chorus and a verse over and over) but the music continues to play until the end of the song then it stops or sometimes restarts.
  5. I know tis is a very late response but I just experienced this issue. I solved the problem on my end. I just selected Save As and then selected the original file name and voila it worked.
  6. Yeah I remember doing some editing and saw that and clicked on it not knowing what I had just done...haha!!!
  7. I found it and that took care of the problem...THANK YOU!
  8. I've never used that. Where do I locate that?
  9. As you can see in the video clip I am attempting to drag a Drums On Demand drum loop onto an empty track, But all of the existing tracks above it move over. The other tracks are not connected in any way. Why is it doing this? I've never seen this before. Thanks... WhatsApp Video 2025-01-10 at 16.39.54_1d32640f.mp4
  10. Yes - that was it! Thank you so much!!
  11. I used to be able to see the Velocity values in Piano Roll without having to select any midi notes. Now the velocity window at the bottom is completely blank unless I select midi notes in Piano Roll. Did I shut something off accidently? Thank for the help.
  12. This was a new one to me...I right clicked on the wav file and selected Insert Effect. I chose Cakewalk Delay. I see it open up. When I attempted to use it, it didn't respond. Upon closer inspection I found that it had opened 10 instances of Cakewalk Delay!! I closed all of them out and retried and get the same outcome. I've never seen this before. Anyone else seeing this? Big bug!
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