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Timothy Brickley

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Everything posted by Timothy Brickley

  1. Thanks Deering Amps! - it wasn't working - but then it was - and thanks to the awesome info here, I was able to update and re-authorize. Thank you all so much for the incredible help - THANK YOU!
  2. Hola msmcleod: Can't seem to be able to find a way to update to newest Cakewalk, and I'm at the 1 day away mark.....any thoughts/help GREATLY appreciated!
  3. Thank you Cakewalk Brethren from Scotland - but because I built on the 4th of 5 takes, all the actual start times are 30+ minutes after 0:00!?! But thank you - will look into Broadcast wav options.....
  4. Hi Folks: Needing to export some complicated multi-track audio projects to go to another studio for final mix. Never really done this before. It's a giant patchwork of clips that have a multitude of start times. Need to line them up, have them all start at the same time. Let's say it's a short SFX clip of a 5 second "splash" that occurs once, late in a song. Even with clip time base set to absolute, and the clip locked (position and data) when I change the start time of the clip, it moves the whole clip to the beginning of the song. And if I try and grab the left edge of the clip - and pull the start time left - I can only get it in the ballpark, and when I enter in the actual time I need in the Inspector, it moves the audio.... Which leads to another issue. When I tracked this project, there were 5 bed takes, and we built on take 4 - so all of my clips are hanging out in the 39-minute mark No Man's Land (have erased the other takes.) Tried selecting "all" - and moving everything so the first audio clip would start at Zero - but the clips won't move - maybe that is due to frozen synth tracks? Muted clips? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is hanging in there - thanks TB
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