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Danny Miller

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Everything posted by Danny Miller

  1. Is there a Keyboard shortcut pdf that I can download for Cakewalk Sonar? Thank You cowboydan
  2. Wouldn't it be up to Cakewalk as a company itself to put out the information? I don't see YOUR name on the executive list or even part ownership. Being kind to people is a lot less stresfull then what you are doing now. People ask questions because Cakewalk hasn't brought out any news in about a year now. Just Sayin.
  3. That was in the caveman time, Craig. Time to come back to the future!
  4. Hi In Cakewalk go to the Utilities menu and click on mackie control-1 (or whatever mackie control you have). Go to the right side of the menu and find "Fader touch selects channel " and check the box. You can also check the box "Select hightlghts track". That should take care of it. Cowboydan
  5. As far as I know you would have to login to Sonar Platinum or the old Sonar website and download the Command Center. There is still everything you have bought from Cakewalk and you can still download almost everything..
  6. Hi. I don't have any problems with dropouts in the audio, but I do have a problem with the now time marker going along my tracks stuttering( visual) when I play the tracks. I went back to 2021-12 and the now time marker moves smoothly. Any thoughts??????
  7. I have two videos from 2007/2008 for dimpro and rapture. I just need an e-mail address. I can send them by We Transfer. Cowboydan
  8. Thank You for taking the time to answer.
  9. I went to cakewalk.com and went to my product list. There I found 3 times the demention Pro 1.5 program. There were 3 different cakewalk numbers,but when I downloaded the program all three instances gave the code from 2013 . I installed the program and tried to authorise it but every time I got the message that this was the wrong registration code. Is there any way to try to get this straightend out. The numbers are: [serial numbers removed - scook] The first number was the number used for all three instances of the program which was strange. Thank You in advance for helping. Cowboydan
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