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No Name

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Everything posted by No Name

  1. Haha I hear ya. I swapped to a new pc and ran into this problem! 5months meh at least others will see the solution ?‍♀️
  2. It looks like a lot to fix but it’s not. The trouble was getting the blue screen and yeah that was bad as it took me many days reinstalling...this fix is easy and I used it today with zero problems ?
  3. Forgot to say—>It’s a driver conflict with a newer windows 10 update
  4. First off download and sign in to the newest ilok...#2-When installing Vocalizer Pro, Twist and Wobble- select NO to the PACE software install and DO NOT RESTART your PC just yet. Install all WITHOUT PACE . #3- Go to add/remove programs and find PACE and uninstall any pace version under version 5 ..#4-now restart your PC—- PACE 5 and above are needed as to not crash your system! #5-If there is no PACE under version 5 installed just restart your PC and you should be good to go. Thanks goes to Inmusicbrands.com for the fix ??
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