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John Louis

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Everything posted by John Louis

  1. Hello, I am hoping someone can help me with an issue... when I record MIDI using Arturia Pigments, my first track is great BUT... if I add another track using Pigments or any other softsynth, the MIDI notes from the Pighments track are copied over the new track as I record. Any suggestions please? THANK YOU! John Louis
  2. Hello! When I copy a MIDI clip that I have sized to a specific number of bars, the clip is automatically shortened to the start and stop of the MIDI notes. Is there a way to copy the entire bar, leaving the "quiet" spaces alone? Thank you in advance!
  3. Hello! I cannot seem to get any of the pad shop 2 extension packs to load. The Steinberg library manager shows me they are there but when I load pad shop 2 as an instrument, the extensions are missing. Thanks in advance!
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