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John Denning

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  1. I just found this thread. I'm having the same problem with Cakewalk crashing when loading BBC SO Core instruments. This has got worse over time. I can now 'rely' on Cakewalk crashing every time. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both Cakewalk and BBC SO but it makes no difference. However, Cakewalk does not crash when I open an older Cakewalk project containing tracks with BBC SO Instruments in them (unfrozen): it only happens when adding a new BBC SO instrument track. I'm fairly new to all this (I started using Cakewalk when BBC SO Discover was released - that was my first experience with a DAW). I'm trying to solve the problem by only using the VST2 version of BBC SO. So I used Cakewalk's Plug-in manager to disable the BBCSO VST3 plugin, thinking that would mean when I choose a BBC SO instrument it would use the VST2 version, which I've left enabled in the plug-in manager. But when I try to add a BBC SO VST2 instrument, I can't find BBCSO in the plugins pane. BBC SO does appear in the instrument menu that appears when clicking '+' to create a new track, but selecting it results in a single midi-only track being created. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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