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  1. Best free (professional) plugins for mixing are currently from Analog Obsession (analogobsession.com), VarietyOfSound (varietyofsound.wordpress.com), and TokyoDawnLabs (tokyodawn.net/tokyo-dawn-labs/). You can get there everything you need for mixing. For guitar players I would recommend LostIn70s (www.lostin70s.com/plugins), IKMultimedia->Amplitube and mercuriall.com/ Cheers, Vlad
  2. Hi! IKMultimedia's Equal (->"TR5 EQual.vst3") is no longer listed in my plugin browser. - I can see it in Utilities->Cakewalk plugin manager - I can also see it in FX Chain->Insert Audio Plugin Few days ago I had the same issue with "Studio One Fat Channel". Somebody with same (or similar) issue? Cheers from Germany, Vlad
  3. "The plugin crashes" should be clear enough
  4. I had a conversation with the BOZ - guy few weeks ago and he told me that he is considering developing new PC plugins. BOZ might be better option since he is obviously able to develop stable PC plugins.
  5. ..if they would be available which is not the case. I asked them for older versions, so they simply sent me a (dead) link to the legacy installer page with 32 bit versions. And then they instantly closed the ticket. Terrible support.
  6. I already tried to download and install Passive/Active pack from the Softube Legacy installers page but they also caused a crash. Anyway, I would never spend so much money for a plugin which is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Softube plugins are good but not that good that I would buy them without PC support...
  7. Could you please explain, why BOZ ProChannel plugins still work and Softube's not? Softube still delivers ProChannel plugins as a part of the installation but SONAR crashes as soon as I add one them to the ProChannel? Is this a softube issue or SONAR issue? Thx a lot!
  8. LABS works fine for me, although it does not have the best performance. Do you have the latest version?
  9. Thx Nicolas, but this is not answering my question. I am familiar with FX chain but I asked for dedicated ProChannel modules (with ProChannel - user interface) rather than FX Chain, which contains only links to "normal" plugins.
  10. Is there a way to buy ProChannel modules from Overloud? I wrote them an email but they told me that due to licensing policy they only can sell the whole VKFX - "mothership" module , which contains all modules but not the single ProChannel modules. Since nobody longer produces (except of BOZ) ProChannel modules for some reason and Softube modules are out of order, I would like to buy the delay module from Overloud in order to have at least one delay module for ProChannel. I assume that it still works, since my other modules from Overloud (that I bought few years ago) still work properly. BTW I do not understand, why a small company like BOZ is able to produce working ProChannel plugins and a big one like Softube not. Thx in advance!
  11. Yes, but I think it's due to Mackie protocol, so the same thing for all controllers. But in the meantime (I bought it few weeks ago) I got used to it and I really use it for: Play, Rewind, zoom, the Jog Wheel is really usefull, the fader for the master volume, SAVE, export and stuff like that. I cannot imagine using it for plugins, since this is too complex and you would have to learn every single plugin it terms of which knob is assigned to which function. If you have a plenty of Softube plugins, maybe their controller is better...
  12. I bought it a long time ago as well as CA-2A, Limiter and the Overloud stuff so for me it wasn't a giveaway. Nevertheless I prefer to pay for SONAR if they would provide me with updates in more predictable way. But my overall opinion is that the code quality is better than Gibson's.
  13. I would like to have more ProChannel plugins. A clipper, for instance! Maybe in cooperation with Kazrog or Newfangled Audio! And I would like to have Softube ProChannel-plugins to work again. But it is softtube's issue, right? And better support for my PLATFORM NANO controller, which is not able to deal with busses (no sync) ...and a really good explanation, why I have the least dropouts with WDM driver, rather than ASIO or WASAPI ...and a really good explanation, why I have less dropouts without load balancing checked (although I have a 6 core CPU) ?
  14. No more updates from bandlab? Does anyone know more?
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