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Jochen Flach

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About Jochen Flach

  • Birthday 07/04/1973

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  1. Hey, as you are starting the playback of your song somewhere in the middle of your project I guess you do have MIDI CC7 values in this track some bars before. So CC7 is set to -6 db somewhere before your starting point. If this is the case, then starting your playback after this CC information will ignore this -6 db value. (Curious that the export process is fetching this value) You could go to Preferences -> Project - > MIDI and select "Chase MIDI events" (or something like that... I'm not in studio). Then your playback will fetch MIDI information that happen before your starting point of your playback. Try this please 🙂 Jochen
  2. Hello, You do have a mastering plug-in in your master bus. After you bounced your mix into an audio track inside Sonar, are you deactivating all plugins in your master bus for listening to your mix? If not then you're running your mix through this plug-in twice. I also assume that your having your gain set to a value lower than zero in your master bus. That could be the reason that your mix is sounding lower in volume when you're listening to it after bouncing, because you're listening to your mix through your master bus, which has a gain lower than zero. Regarding the "explosions": did you ever check your system for audio problems with this tool: https://www.latencymon.com/ ? This is highly recommended. There you can see if there are problems on your machine that are not related to your DAW and are caused by your operating system and configurations. Cheers Jochen
  3. Here is a new episode of my Cakewalk YouTube-channel. This time I'm analyzing an epic string ostinato with accompaniment in Hans Zimmer/trailer music style :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWTa6Z8LxXo Thx for watching www.jochenflach.de
  4. Hello together, I'm starting a YouTube video series about tips and tricks for CAKEWALK by Bandlab. Maybe I'm covering some helpful content for some of you Here's the first episode about scaling velocities in the piano roll view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1B12Jqgiuc
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