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  1. Congrats Husker!!! Jim is the absolute best! You’re gonna be real happy with your new machine.
  2. Hey Soundwise! When I listened to the demos earlier this morning I decided to pass because I could hear the typical "keyboard playing guitar" artifacts. By the description I was hoping that these might be eliminated or at least minimized. But that could be in the programming of the MIDI if the demo's weren't recorded live. Of course these things were less noticeable in the metal oriented demos, but still, for me I don't think it's up to par with most other major players in the game. Pete
  3. If you own a Focusrite audio interface, you may want to look at my post regarding a Sonarworks/Focusrite issue in the following thread Pete
  4. Hi Folks! I thought I'd mention something hopefully can save someone a lot of head-scratching if you use Sonarworks with a Focusrite interface. I am NOT discouraging you from buying Sonarworks (I love mine!) - I'm just pointing out an issue which you may encounter until it is resolved. Currently there are potential issues with Sonarworks Systemwide and some Focusrite drivers. What can happen depending on Focusrite interface, driver, OS version, and who knows what else, is that audio in DAWs, and standalone players (Kontakt, UVI Workstation, Kushview Element, …) may get a vinyl record like static or pops regardless of ASIO buffer size. In my case, I have a Jim Roseberry ProStudio i9 running W10 Pro 1903, and a Focusrite 18i8 2nd Gen. Sonarworks has been looking into this, and in their opinion, they seem to be confident it is a Focusrite driver issue, and feel they may know exactly what it is. Interestingly, Focusrite sent me a Beta driver yesterday, and it seems to have eliminated 95% of the issue. Rather than getting a near constant vinyl LP like static in audio, the Beta driver gives me about one pop per minute. THE GOOD NEWS: This seems to be a Focusrite issue with Systemwide only. The Reference 4 DAW plugin seems to work fine after Quitting Systemwide in the System Tray, using just the Sonarworks DAW plugin. This means work can continue normally (with the correction via plugin), but you will not have the Systemwide correction active for other audio sources unless you relaunch Systemwide. (Things like Windows Groove Player and Youtube audio interestingly are not affected by this issue). Last, Sonarworks has indicated they have received a lot of complaints about this issue, but only from Focusrite users. Other interfaces and their associated drivers appear to be immune. Hopefully this saves someone some time trouble, Pete
  5. Same here. If you watch the video in the Focusrite redeem page, it states the 6 month license will be emailed to you. I've not received that email yet, just the Grow in my account (though it's only been a half hour). Pete
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