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Everything posted by Czeslaw

  1. OK! I will answer... In my projects, I use Vienna Ensemble Pro (2-3 instances both on the master computer and on the slave), into which I load a lot of content from Kontakt, Roland, Korg, ToonTrack, etc. In the same place I include many plug-ins. In Cake, I work with vocal tracks, tracks with live instruments and plugins for them. Plus, the mastering bus! It is version 2020.4.151 that is the most stable in my system: for a session of several hours, this version: does not fall does not hang hardly slows down without a frieze of tracks on MIDI pulls all the way to 256 samples, without errors saves the history of changes ... All other (later) versions work much worse than this one, giving me a lot of trouble!
  2. I'm sorry for commenting on this! I installed my studio system in 2013 and haven't reinstalled it since. In the meantime, I've made many updates to many programs (including Cakewalk by BandLab). My entire studio system works flawlessly. Sometimes I do system maintenance. Then I save it to an image, and in case of problems, I restore the system from this image.
  3. I do like this: 1. I archive the program, 2. I put the update, 3. if there are problems, I return the program files from the archive to their place.
  4. I love him (HER?)))))))) In my projects, I use Vienna Ensemble Pro (2-3 instances both on the master computer and on the slave), into which I load a lot of content from Kontakt, Roland, Korg, ToonTrack, etc. In the same place I include many plug-ins. In Cake, I work with vocal tracks, tracks with live instruments and plugins for them. Plus, the mastering bus! It is version 2020.4.151 that is the most stable in my system: for a session of several hours, this version: does not fall does not hang hardly slows down without a frieze of tracks on MIDI pulls all the way to 256 samples, without errors saves the history of changes ... All other (later) versions work much worse than this one, giving me a lot of trouble!
  5. Thank you! But I only want the specified version (2020.4 build151) and don't want to change it to anything else. And I already read about Sonar and Next.
  6. But I want to continue working in version 2020.4 build 151!!! I don't need any other newer one! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?
  7. Thank you! Cake today demanded authorization (this happens periodically), it passed. And what about the future?
  8. But I want to continue working in version 2020.4 build 151!!! I don't need any other newer one! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?
  9. Hi Promidi! I need a CAL like SPLITNOT.CAL, but for CC. Those. there is a MIDI clip with a lot of controllers, and I need to split it by track - so that each CC is in its own track. Do you have such a script? I would be grateful if you would like to share!
  10. Thanks! About VST - this is an important remark. I don't understand why this information is not in the Help.
  11. What is the bitness of Sonitus plugins? Thanks in advance!
  12. Hello everybody! When importing, dragging and dropping audio files, the original file name is retained in the clip header. But when importing, dragging and dropping MIDI files, they lose their name and instead of the original name, the name of the track appears in the header. Is it possible to make it possible for the names of the MIDI files to keep their name? Thanks in advance!
  13. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TNhLpW1expfXUZOmGSbiqRcBA76fdlBv/view?usp=sharing
  14. I have vst3 saves this parameter. I have vst2 saves this parameter if it is automated.
  15. I also always avoid Simple Instruments and only use split tracks.
  16. Space bar does not start playback when using Vienna Ensemble Pro now!!! ОК! Thaaaaaaaaaaaanksss!!!
  17. In the video: 1.to the left in the Cakewalk window is the Vienna Ensemble Pro5 plugin, 2. on the right - the instance of Vienna, which is connected to the plugin, but launched outside Cakewalk, In both cases (when either Cake or Vienna windows are active), the spacebar starts playback in Cakewalk - this is the correct behavior. No. Yes. OK, Thanks! :) OK!
  18. Thanks Noel Borthwick for the answer! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlLNG4SDVWiJhZBaWM8cMXQIEoM9dw This works in this version of Cakewalk by BandLab, but does not work in earlier and later versions (except 04/26/0.151).
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