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Ez Tutor

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Everything posted by Ez Tutor

  1. You're right, Kontakt crashes. They resolved this with the new update. But still need Midi and Audio Routing features to efficiently use Kontakt (and other plugins). Keyswitching features within the MIDI editor would be nice but not as important (I usually use different expressions as separate instruments anyways for proper EQing).
  2. Hi Bandlab Team, 1st of all thanx for not only making CakeWalk free, but also improving it over the years! As the title states: Till when will we be able to activate CakeWalk? What if Bandlab gets sold or stop existing? Since Bandlab's version will no longer be updated and newer versions will be continued by Sonar. Isn't the best option to just release Bandalb's version without the need to be activating it at all? For now we'll have to activate it every 6 months unless you re-install it on a new system and have to activate it earlier. Curious to know what plans you guys have for your CakeWalk version in case Bandlab ceases to exist. Because this could potentially render our files useless in the future. Which is a big uncertainty.
  3. I thinks this is going to be my main (and only) DAW. I'm just waiting on functions like multi-output routing for plugins and resizable windows. And really important...vst2 support (and obviously have the option to choose s costume vst folder location). If not, I'll go ahead and purchase Studio One. So far I love Luna's interface and workflow, straight to the point and beautifully designed.
  4. Hi everyone! It's already stated that the BandLabs free Cakewalk version can stil be used by current users in the future. But I also want to know if we'll be able to install this last version without needing to generate a free licente key like we need to do now? Or wil the last version simply be the full stand-alone version?
  5. Hallo every one! I finally got my KeyLab88 mkII Black Edition. Thanx to you guys I got DAW mode working for the most part. Lee D mentioned that all of his transport buttons worked with exception of the "Loop" button. The "Loop" button is not working here aswel, but I can't get the "Record" button to work, does the Record button also work? I got the Loop button to somewhat work. Pressing the "Metro" Button toggles the "Loop on/off" button. So if you've already made a loop section previously, pressing the "Metro" button repeats that same loop selection. Edit: Record button works! Just have to arm recording (Alt-R) on a track first like Mark Bianchino stated above. In my case it worked just fine with the built-in "Mackie Control". Thanx to msmcleod and Azslow. I'll try Robert Thompson's suggestion tomorrow using the free tool Midi-ox. I'm curious as to see If can map a button to arm Record a track, and maybe even set loop points using the the punch "In" and "Out" buttons in the "Globalcontrols" session on the keyboard. But even though as it is I can now use the keyboard with reduced mouse usage. Awesome!!
  6. Although you rectified this comment later on I still want to comment on this. What people seem to miss is that what they consider a good or the best DAW, heavily depends on their workflow and how they make music. Allot of people work with real instruments recording tracks, that's way Pro-Tools is such a big player. because from what I've read it has pretty much the best out of the the box workflow, tools and plugins for this. But what people using DAWs as recording tools for voices and real instruments don't understand. Is that they're also people who mainly use midi recording/programming to make their music. That's why there's so much un-necessary battles/beefs about what DAW is best. And when it comes to Midi-programming, FL studio is very very good!! The interface and workflow for this is just super nice! In my opinion they have the best piano roll workflow (except for renaming their timestamps to steps instead of 4/4 etc. So long story short: People should take in account what other people use their DAW for (and personal workflow prefs ofcourse) instead of self-projecting it and and calling it bad or what ever. I'm loving CakeWalk so far. And the pano-roll (although a bit quirky with zoom sometimes) is pretty awesome to. The way I work I think that Studio-One would be the best fit for me. (I mostly do midi recording/programming) ----- I'm also curious to see if NI's Komplete Kontrol S88 MK2 Can properly work in CakeWalk. Maybe it's worth looking in to Arturia's Keylab 88 MKII (they also have a black version now) Although I really like how NI's board looks especially with those screens and LED lights and full integration with their plugins, for me the better choice would be Arturia's Keylab series because of their focus on DAW control as opposed to plugins control. that said arturia does offer a nice plugins control feature, even for 3d parties. And personaly I also like that it comes with drum pads.
  7. Ok I added [Solved] at the end of the titel and also added a Solved tag. Is this how you do this on this forum?
  8. It's works!! It had to do with folder contents being compressed like mentioned above. Here's a short how to: Thanx a lot guys!!
  9. Thanx for showing me this, now at least i know thet I'm def. doing something wrong and that this stuff works! Hopefully this'll solve things for me. I'll let you guys know as soon as possible. Thanx allot guys!
  10. Yes I know where you can set it (like the video show's that I've posted on top. The problem is that the browser won't reflect the changes that I make in the manager. And apart from the standard 3 views (sort by: Category, Manufacturer and plugins) my custom layout doesn't show here. I've also saved my custom layout file to where the proper file path according to the preferences. Has anyone managed to change save their custom folders to the point that it's also showing in the browser? I'm thinking this feature isn't working in the Bandlab's CakeWalk version.
  11. I'm still stuck at square one. Although I can make and save costume Layouts I can't get CakeWalk to reflect the changes. There is no "apply" or "ok" button. Any idea on how I can make CakeWalk's browser reflect the changes that I make?
  12. Thanx! Sorry for the late reply I'll try this as soon as possible Greets!!
  13. Hey guys! I would realy like to use this feature: It's a easy and fast way of of creating a costum plugins browser layout. Which can also be saved and imported for future Cakewlak installs. I would like to see the changes that I make reflect in the plugins browser Any chance this works in BandLab's CakeWalk version?
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