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Need the function of cutting MIDI clips into separate notes!


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10 hours ago, Vyacheslav said:

one press of Tab and then S is normal, and the second calls the TrackInspector, activates the Solo track, activates Loop, opens the Browser and mutes the clip.

Hmmm... I think you must have some non-default keybindings in addition to having an undocked Track Inspector.  Just undocking the track inpector does not cause that to happen here.

Splitting Notes to Clips Using Tab and S

Edited by David Baay
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What wrong with just Alt+clicking in the PRV controller pane (not the inline PRV) at the beginning of a note, and clicking at the desired value? If the note has a constant controller value, you're done. If not, you can draw in a more complex envelope...which you would have to do anyway if you split the clip into notes.

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52 minutes ago, Craig Anderton said:

What wrong with just Alt+clicking in the PRV controller pane....

A. He's already said he doesn't like working in the PRV.

B. I think he prefers the precise alignment and perfectly linear slopes of automation envelopes (the curse of making music with your eyes instead of your ears, and becoming too enamored of the graphical and numeric perfection that computers make possible IMHO). But it is possible to achieve that kind of precision in the PRV controller pane with relative ease, using the Line drawing tool and Snap to MIDI Landmarks.


Edited by David Baay
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29 minutes ago, David Baay said:

A. He's already said he doesn't like working in the PRV.

I saw that, but the reason he gave was "I don’t see the ability to edit envelopes in the piano roll: I created the CC11 envelope in Track View, but I can’t see it in the piano roll."  If his goal is to create envelopes, that's one thing but if it's to associate particular controller values with notes, it's pretty easy to do in the standard piano roll view.  If you want to embellish the envelopes further, you have the option to  select the clip in track view, and choose Clips > Convert MIDI Controllers to Envelopes, and edit the envelope shapes.

Of course your solution works too, and with either option, the "snap to MIDI landmarks" function is very helpful. My concern was that he didn't like working in the PRV because he wasn't aware of Alt+click, and the ability to convert controllers into envelopes. So he can try both workflows, and see if one works better for him than another.

I would think for single-note lines, yours would be the way to go. But if you have polyphonic lines and the start times aren't quantized, I think it's probably easier to turn off snap to MIDI landmarks, and make a value judgement of where the controller data should change in the standard PRV.

But to each his own - one of CbB's attributes is that there are often multiple options to accomplish the same result, so you can choose the one that best fits your circumstances.

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15 minutes ago, Craig Anderton said:

I would think for single-note lines, yours would be the way to go. But if you have polyphonic lines and the start times aren't quantized, I think it's probably easier to turn off snap to MIDI landmarks, and make a value judgement of where the controller data should change in the standard PRV.

But to each his own - one of CbB's attributes is that there are often multiple options to accomplish the same result, so you can choose the one that best fits your circumstances.

Totally agree. In fact, I deliberately used snap to landmarks precisely because the MIDI wasn't quantized. Helpfully CbB remembered the last-specified musical snap value, so I could set that at the desired resolution (16ths for demo purposes though a higher frequency might be more appropriate in practice to give 'smoother' transitions), and then disable it and have the first and last event aligned to the note boundaries with the intermediate controllers drawn at the musical resolution.

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11 hours ago, David Baay said:

I think you must have some non-default keybindings in addition to having an undocked Track Inspector.  Just undocking the track inpector does not cause that to happen here.

Yes, I have non-default keyboard shortcuts. And I restored the defaults from the "SONAR Default Key Assignments" file - but the same thing happens.

But I’ve already gotten used to it - everything works out. Thank you again!

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9 hours ago, Craig Anderton said:

My concern was that he didn't like working in the PRV because he wasn't aware of Alt+click, and the ability to convert controllers into envelopes.

Thanks Craig Anderton! But I know about this feature (ability to convert controllers into envelopes). But converting envelope controllers, and then editing envelopes is a double job, longer than with cut-to-note clips (if I understood correctly.).


9 hours ago, Craig Anderton said:

So he can try both workflows, and see if one works better for him than another.

I already chose this one. I chose the method that David Baay told me.
I am very grateful to everyone involved!

Sorry, my English. :)

Edited by Vyacheslav
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