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FREE Lese Audio plugins updated


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Hadn't heard about these up until a week ago when that deal had a surprising number of upvotes and I checked them out. Here's what I wrote:

Sweep is a great randomisable filter sweep thingy that can do filter sweep thingy-y things but also add some subtle movement to boring things when used with a maximum of 10% wet (probably causing phase issues and what not, but who cares).

Codec seems to be a nice little bit crusher and general sound destroyer of sorts. Nothing more, nothing less. Good stuff.

I've also tried Transfer, which can place and MOVE sounds inside of a room including different room models and generating early and late reflections if you want them. Really great stuff for the discounted price.

I don't care too much for the rest, but mostly because I've spent a LOT (or as my wife would say a LoOOOOOoOooOoOOOoOOooOot) of money this BF season. Will have another look during the next sale.

My general feedback for this dev would be presenting their products better. The demos hardly, if at all, feature any dry sounds or explanations, and it's often times kind of hard to fathom what these products actually do. I only found some slightly advanced showcases on their YouTube channel, but I imagine a lot of people are not going to bother in this oversaturated market, and the lack of feedback on forum threads around the net seems to confirm this from what I've seen.

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  • satya changed the title to FREE Lese Audio plugins updated
4 hours ago, jngnz said:


My general feedback for this dev would be presenting their products better. The demos hardly, if at all, feature any dry sounds or explanations, and it's often times kind of hard to fathom what these products actually do. I only found some slightly advanced showcases on their YouTube channel, but I imagine a lot of people are not going to bother in this oversaturated market, and the lack of feedback on forum threads around the net seems to confirm this from what I've seen.

Codec is very interesting from my point of view

But,... totally agree with your feedback!

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