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UAD Complete (New bundle)


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1 hour ago, kinen_papico said:

I received a reply from the developer.


"There are no practical sonic differences between the two. There might be academic differences, but for all practical purposes, they sound the same.
However, there are architectural differences, for example, UAD doesn't support sidechain.

I don't think that it can run in the unison slot, as that is more for preamps and related, where changing input impedance migt be beneficial."

What plugin were you talking about ? Amp sim ?

there s diff , i had shadow hills ( the green one) and it sounded better than the native version , had a talk with dirk about that ....

One thing i notice for exemple in that case is that the uad version has the HW measured sidechain hipass , while the pa native have the Generic one up in the wrapper that is present in sevral plugins ....

so i take some statement with a grin of salt .

Of course one big advantage is to track with those with near zero latency when using an appolo ...

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22 hours ago, kinen_papico said:

たとえば、Chandler Limited® Zener-Bender を Softube で購入しますが、Apollo のためだけに同じ商品に 298 ドルを支払いたくありません。


スクリーンショット 2023-10-06 1.03.33.png


32 minutes ago, Zo said:

どのプラグインについて話していましたか? アンプシム?

差分があります。私はShadow Hills(緑色のもの)を持っていましたが、ネイティブバージョンよりも良く聞こえました。それについてdirkと話しました...

その例で私が気づいたことの 1 つは、uad バージョンにはハードウェアで測定されたサイドチェーン ハイパスがあるのに対し、ネイティブバージョンには複数のプラグインに存在するラッパー内に汎用のものがあるということです。


もちろん、大きな利点の 1 つは、アプリを使用するときに遅延がほぼゼロで追跡できることです。

I checked this plugin. PA does not respond quickly to inquiries, so we have not received confirmation.

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