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CW newbie seeks controller


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Hello all....Brand new to CakeWalk and looking for a compatible MIDI controller. I have an electric keyboard with a MIDI input so I don't need a controller with tons of keys. Classically trained; style incorporates rock, folk and Celtic.  I'm really not sure how many keys I need but want to keep it under $150. Suggestions?

Edited by Steadman
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I’ve been happy with my Native instruments  A49  control keyboard.  The cheaper, non lite version.  8 knobs and a nice keyboard feel.  49 keys is a minimum.  Less than $200 when I got mine.  Good quality.  I had a Novation 25 and keys went dead.  Doesn’t mean they all do but just passing that along.  They fixed it when I wrote directly to them.  But I had to send the unit to Austin.

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