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Headphones and Input Echo

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I have an Audiobox USB ( I know people hate this) this works for me. I record myself and practice long distance. I'm not making recordings. I have recently started working with a violinist and she records her part and I need to record mine and send on to the third person. I can't hear myself in the headphones which makes accuracy difficult. I tried turning on the input echo button but no difference. I turn up the headphones which starts to get some white noise if too loud. I just need to be able to hear myself. The tracks are set to go to the master, with sends on the tracks that go to effects and they in turn go to the Master ... etc. Any help would be appreciated. I would also consider getting a new interface if that would make a difference?? 

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I don't have this device, but the picture shows a 'Mixer' knob, with 'Inputs' and 'Playback' as the range. That looks like it would control the volume of your input with respect to what the computer is playing. Try turning that one way or the other to balance the signals to taste.
Good luck!

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