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Opening Preferences-Themes

Jerry Gerber

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Whenever I open Preferences-Themes CW takes about 60 seconds or so to bring up the current theme.  Is this normal?  Every aspect, except this, of CW is completely normal, in fact it runs very speedily on my i7 CPU with 32 GB of RAM and a fast SSD drive.  But opening Themes seems to take an excessively long time. 

Might someone know why?



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9 minutes ago, sjoens said:

I've posted on similar behavior. Sometimes it's instant, sometimes it hangs, sometimes it disappears and I have to click the main window for it to re focus.

For one, it has to search for and open the themes.

For me, it's always the same, it takes about 60 seconds to load all the themes.  I wonder if anyone knows why...

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I discovered what the problem is with this very slow opening of the theme dialogue box.  It's happening on my other machine and I got a Windows 10 popup saying that windows has to do a security scan on these items. 

OK, so now I know what's causing the delay, it's not CW.  But does anyone know how to stop Windows from having to do a security scan every time I open the theme dialogue box?



UPDATE!  Never mind, I learned how to exclude certain folders from virus scanning...


Edited by jsg
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1 hour ago, jsg said:

I learned how to exclude certain folders from virus scanning...

Can you share which ones did the trick?

I recommend to all that they exclude their plug-in folders, project folders, sample folders, and the Cakewalk program folder.

I run with Defender realtime scanning turned off completely, but I still sometimes get the slow opening Themes (although it's only a matter of seconds) and keyboard shortcuts. Not every time, just sometimes.

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Go to Windows 10 settings and choose Update and Security.  Then go to Windows Security. Now click on Virus and Threat Protection.  Scroll down to and click on Manage Settings.

Now . Now scroll down to Exclusions, this is where you choose the folder you want Windows to exclude when doing a virus scan.  Enter the folder where your CW themes are. 

I haven't yet tested this tonight but I will in the morning.   I do know I got a Windows message telling me why it was taking so long for the theme options to appear, and it said because the folder has to be scanned for viruses.  So it should work. 


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