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Where is the MP3 export bitrate?

Keith Marriott

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Am I being stupid or have they just added a new export system where you can choose to export as an MP3 but you can't choose the bitrate?

Because if they have it's kinda useless.

Well I have found the bitrate setting but it's not where you expect to find it!

It appears when you add the task to the queue, clear as mud....


Edited by Keith Marriott
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7 minutes ago, Keith Marriott said:

Am I being stupid or have they just added a new export system where you can choose to export as an MP3 but you can't choose the bitrate?

Because if they have it's kinda useless.

 The interface has changed but all the same functions are still there with many additional features available 


I'm sorry. That wasn't being helpful.

If you select the mp3 format for output, the mp3 menu will appear when you click export


Edited by Keni
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