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Mousewheel zoom script (without holding Alt)

Ondrej Ciz

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I just wanted to share the AutoHotkey script, that allows you to zoom in Cakewalk using only mousewheel scrolling without holding down the Alt key. If you are moving constantly between different programs like Reaper and Magix Vegas, like I do, you know how confusing it can get to readjust yourself to different mousewheel zoom settings in Cakewalk. 

1.) Download the script attached to this post.

2.) Download and install AutoHotkey. 


3.) Now you can double click the script and it will run in the background, allowing you to use mousewheel zoom in Cakewalk.

4.) If you want to run the script automatically every time you start your PC, place the script into your Startup folder (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp). 

Cakewalk-mousewheel zoom.ahk

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