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Looping midi doesn't loop articulations


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Hi, I noticed when extending looped midi clip containing articulation events, only midi data is looped but not articulations. It would be logical to loop everything. Should it be option somewhere I didn't see or is it a bug.

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  • 2 years later...

Not only looping doesn't copy the articulations, copying and pasting as well as duplicating doesn't copy them as well. The only way to make that work is applying them to the track, which turns them back into whatever they are, but now you can't convert them back into articulations again.

Edited by Bruno de Souza Lino
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30 minutes ago, OutrageProductions said:

When editing in the PRV, if I select copy & paste or duplicate, my Articulation track gets copied with the notes clip and Automation lanes.

You must have a setting that is incorrect.

What I'm seeing is that articulations copy/paste as expected when whole clips are selected, but not when only part of a clip is selected in either the TV or PRV.

I agree it would be expected that articulations are duplicated by both Groove Clip Looping and copy-pasting partial selections.

Edited by David Baay
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On 8/26/2023 at 11:16 PM, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

Doesn't work for events though.

This is correct. 

Articulations are owned by the track, not by the clip.  In this respect, they have much in common with Track Envelopes.

To copy/paste they must either be explicitly selected in the PRV, or if you're dealing with whole clips you have "Select Track Articulations with Clips" checked in the Track View options menu.

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On 8/31/2023 at 7:34 AM, msmcleod said:

or if you're dealing with whole clips you have "Select Track Articulations with Clips" checked in the Track View options menu.

I've had my Selection module set to Medium for so long I forgot there were selection options in the Large module. All the options are on by default so the impression you get when you copy-paste a clip is that articulations are inherently part of the clip.

To the OP's original post, it is a bit counter-intuitive that if articulations are triggered by keyswitches in the MIDI clip, they will be duplicated by clip-looping, but not if they're triggered by articulation maps.

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2 minutes ago, David Baay said:

I've had my Selection module set to Medium for so long I forgot there were selection options in the Large module. All the options are on by default so the impression you get when you copy-paste a clip is that articulations are inherently part of the clip.

To the OP's original post, it is a bit counter-intuitive that if articulations are triggered by keyswitches in the MIDI clip, they will be duplicated by clip-looping, but not if they're triggered by articulation maps.

Is that really any different from a Track Envelope sending MIDI CC's to trigger articulations, or even sustain pedal events?

FWIW - both Articulations and Track Envelopes can be converted into MIDI events in the clip, and back again - i.e. you can apply articulations to the track, so the key switches will end up in the clip, do any duplication or rolling out you need, then extract them out again later.

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Yes, I understand the implementation is very similar to track envelopes and that they can be converted back and forth. I just hadn't used them enough recently to remember that. And articulations are so closely tied to the phrasing of note start times and durations that it would have been logical for them to be part of the clip  a la clip envelopes.

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