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Melodyne 5 Essentials Upgrade tip for Splat32 Users


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I have both Splats installed (32 & 64 bit), the 32 bit for some older projects that don’t play nice with CbB. I just have the Melodyne Essentials, and on the upgrade to Melodyne 5 the VST2s and all the 32 bit VSTs get removed which kills Melodyne 4 in Splat32. If like me you want to preserve Melodyne 4 in Splat32 and the VST3 is sufficient for this,  plus there’s no chance it will affect CbB or Splat64, then do the following:

1.  BEFORE installing Melodyne 5 make a copy of the " ... Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3\ Celemony" folder and contents.

Note: all the " ...Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Celemony\Bundles" are left intact which includes the MelodyneCore-

2. Install Melodyne 5.

3. Place the saved copy of the Celemony folder where you locate your 32 bit VST3s, and Splat32 still has a usable version of Melodyne...

I have independent VST3 folders in addition to the default “Common Files\VST3” for various plugins, in this case you might want to do the same.

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