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  1. Kenny Gioia created 10 free-to-view videos for Groove 3 that explains how to use 10 VSTi instruments. https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Free-VST-Instruments-Explained-Vol-1 Download links are provided to the virtual instruments. Note: You will need to sign-into your Groove3 account or create an account to access these videos. The featured free virtual instruments are: Drum Pro Sitala MT Power Drumkit Steven Slate Drums 5.5 Free Ample Bass P Lite II Ample Guitar M Lite Piano One (Neo Piano) Tyrell N6 Tunefish 4 Alter Ego
  2. https://coursenigma.thinkific.com/courses/cakewalk-course-complete-guide-go-from-beginner-to-advance I just discovered this course. It has good reviews and I'm considering buying it. What do yall think? Anyone here has bought it?
  3. Este es un tema hecho para la gente de habla hispana que busca información acertada con respecto al software y cómo pueden empezar a usar el Software desde cero y cómo pueden empezar a invertir en equipo que sea lo más funcional y útil para usarse correctamente en el software y conseguir la mejor calidad de audio posible con este software. Pueden ver el primer video del mini-curso básico que tengo todo lo que necesitan saber con respecto a cómo usar su equipo y el software desde lo más básico. P.D. No se salten los videos, porque si tienen dudas o preguntas, seguramente ya las habré abordado en algún video del curso:
  4. Not Sure if this is the right place. Not even sure if this is what I should ask. I have seen all these tutorials for making future funk for other DAWs but not cakewalk. I tried to follow those instructions and it just got too confusing due to not knowing my way around CW and its add ons/plugins ect. It seems simple but it isnt when you are a beginner. I figured I have to learn the basics anyways. Bht it would have been really helpful if there was a cw tutorial for this genre. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Thanks in advance!
  5. I have a huge playlist of tutorials on my channel specifically for Cakewalk by Bandlab. I created a list below so that you could cherry pick what topic you'd like and I also included a link to the entire playlist here. 1-Donwnloading and Installing 2-Installation Troubleshooting 3-Overview and Templates 4-Custom Plug In Menu Layout 5-Improving Workflow 6-Creating Project Templates 7-Setting up and Customizing 8-CPU Saving Tips 9-Quick Grouping 10-Console Emulation (Condensed Version) 11-Track Comping 12-Mixing Vocals 13-Exporting A Mix 14-Punch Recording 15-Editing Tips 16-Intro to MIDI/Loop Creation 17-Using Aux Tracks 18-Signal Flow 19-Overview of Automation 20-Audio Folder Optimization 21-The Control Bar 22-Console Emulation (In Depth Version) 23-The Pro Channel 24-Groove Clips and Looping 25- 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to Save You Time 26-Screensets and Mix Recall
  6. Hi friends! I just wanted to make you aware (in case you aren't), about a series of videos I have made aimed squarely at beginners I hope you will find it helpful, and you can get going on your Cakewalk journey! LINK: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ylp_4AhfKtyYYRWyp9B4v2CLm32__9P
  7. Udemy sale - courses for $9.99 https://www.udemy.com Of possible interest: Audio Engineering: Mixing with Studio One https://www.udemy.com/audio-engineering-mixing-with-studio-one/ Ultimate Home Recording School (1st Edition) Newbie to Pro! https://www.udemy.com/ultimate-home-recording-school-first-edition/ Music Production I - Learn to be a Music Producer! https://www.udemy.com/music-production/ Music Production in Ableton Live 9 - The Complete Course! https://www.udemy.com/abletonlive/ and others...
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