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  1. Hello. I make simple mashups of songs for local drag shows. I am working with an mp3 that I am wanting to have slide up in pitch to transition into the next song which is in a higher key. All I am trying to do is make the final few seconds of the track slide up in pitch gradually, but quickly. I was hoping there was a way to apply keyframes to a pitch shift plugin similar to how volume automation works, however I cant figure out a way to have an effect come in on one clip, only how to apply it to the entire clip. I am new to Cakewalk to be patient, and keep it simple if possible. I don't need anything fancy.
  2. In the video above, you would notice that the audio clip is not lining up correctly with the grid. I can’t say this is new because I’ve been dealing with similar alignment issues since the days of SONAR X3. Even in the piano roll, I can sometimes see what appears to be notes / grid lines shifting slightly. For a long time I’ve always lacked that sense of confidence when moving things around because I always have to make sure that clips are actually on the grid. This issue is more common when creating groove clips. Have anyone else experienced this before?
  3. rob

    Live MIDI Transpose

    Is it possible to alter the incoming MIDI note in a MIDI track, similar to the Vel+ bar on a MIDI track which alters the incoming note's velocity by +/- 127 ??? I'd like to play one note on my MIDI instrument and route that through multiple MIDI tracks to produce a chord. For example, I play C5 and the following tracks alter the note: 1: No alteration resulting in C5 heard live 2: Note -= 12 resulting in C4 heard live 3: Note -= 24 resulting in C3 heard live 4: Note += 4 resulting in E5 heard live 5: Note += 7 resulting in G5 heard live 6: Note += 12 resulting in C6 heard live I think the MIDI FX Transpose would do this, but I get a missing plug-in error... :( Thanks much!
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