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  1. I just got my PreSonus Quantum 2626 and Cakewalk will freeze (not responding message) every minute or so. Doesn't seem to matter what I m doing. It happened when pressing Play, Record, Preferences, etc. I have been using RME Fireface 800 with a Thunderbolt adapter with no problems, except some blue screen reboots occasionally. RME is no longer writing new drivers for this device so I decided to go with Thunderbolt. Anyone else getting freezes with the Quantum? I have seen many people on this forum who love it so I am confident this can be fixed. I tried changing buffers. Thanks, John D Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 with latest TB3 update from Dell I7 1065 16 GB RAM
  2. Hi Cakestalkers, I'm setting up a new Presonus Quantum with an existing ZOOM UAC-8 interface -- connecting via ADAT optical connector (yielding extra inputs for my old hardware synths). Has anyone tested or does anyone know what sort of EXTRA latency I can expect between the arrival of an analog audio signal at the ZOOM's input and the ultimate output from the Quantum into Cakewalk for recording/monitoring? I know the Quantum has near-zilch round-trip latency so I am primarily concerned with any extra latency imparted by the ZOOM during: 1. Input signal to and through ZOOM's AD conversion, to 2. ZOOM's ADAT output, to 3. Quantum''s ADAT input, to 4. Quantum's Thunderbolt output, to 5. Cakewalk's recording channel I guess I'm really just asking if, in steps 1 and 2, the signal will incur ZOOM's usual latency (call it x) PLUS any latency added in steps 3 through 5 by the Quantum (call it z)? Or will it be faster than (x + z) since the ZOOM doesn't really have to deal with any drivers or computer-related processing -- only its own? Thanks, Bill
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