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  1. Hi, I currently have a Korg Minilogue XD synth hooked up to Cakewalk and am experiencing some heavy lag issues. When I send MIDI notes to the Korg from Cakewalk, all is fine until I begin turning dials on the synth, when I get extreme latency issues and the audio takes up to several seconds to catch up. When playing notes by hand and turning dials, this does not happen. I should note that slow dial movements do not trigger the issue, it only happens when I speed the movements up a bit. I've attached my driver settings, and an audio clip where I change the filter gradually and then quickly, where you can hear the issue clearly. Would really appreciate some help if anyone knows a solution! Thank you Latency Issue.mp3
  2. Hi everyone, I recorded a guitar cover a few days ago which also has a backing track. All good to go. And then I tried mastering it with some plugins which went well too. A few hours later I wanted to re-record a part of the track and noticed there is a huge latency. A couple of seconds between playing a note on the guitar and hearing it. So went ahead and deleted all the plugins but that did not help. A new project and other saved projects have no issues. I also tried creating a new instrument track on this project and it has no issue. Not sure what could be wrong with this particular project. Initially thought it had to with a Windows update and uninstalled it too. Any advice? Ps. Additional findings just now. I deleted a track that had volume automation and the the guitar input sounds fine (no latency) while playing it. The moment I arm it, the latency begins. Thanks
  3. Problem: audio recorded through microphone is out of sync with the metronome click track This seems like a really basic problem, but all the fixes I can find online aren't really an option for me. I'm using a Dell laptop running Windows 10. Headphones just plugged into the laptop's built-in soundcard. Microphone is maybe two tiny steps above using the built-in microphone. The first big suggestion I've seen online to switch from WASAPI to ASIO, but that doesn't seem to be an option with this computer. I get the "This driver is known to be incompatible with Cakewalk." message if I try. The second suggestion I keep saying is to go out and buy a "dedicated audio interface", but I'm not at a point where I want to buy more equipment just to record some music. Presumably there's just some way I can tell Cakewalk to automatically nudge the audio by x number of milliseconds. The delay seems consistent, so I can probably just measure that and get close enough, but I can't for the life of me find any option for how to do that. Anyone have any tips for how to help me out here?
  4. miku

    Latency when armed

    Hello! Today i decided to make a template with all tracks i would need for a song, instead of starting with an empty project. I am done with it, however there is a problem. When i arm a track so i can record on it, i get about 500ms latency. The only way to remove it is by archiving and unarchiving the track, but then when i arm it - again latency. I'm on Windows 10, my computer has never done this before and it doesn't happen on other projects. Using Asio4all. Where is the problem?
  5. Hello, I have a new Dell i9 PC laptop running Bandlab by Cakewalk on Windows 11. My interface is the Tascam US 16x08. I'm recording 8 tracks of drums. It works fine with no latency, but after about 4 minutes I start hearing digital clicks and pops, accompanied with some latency. I've tried recording at 44.1 and 48. I'm using the ASIO driver. Pleas advise. Thanks!
  6. Hello community, As a newbie I use a USB midi (Casio CTK 6200) without any audio interface. While recording I get a lot of latency. On the track that I record, MIDI notes are off-grid. The first note is almost on the second note grid. So, I'm stuck. I've a few queries. I'm giving the details below. Please help me. MY DEVICE AND WINDOWS SPPECIFICATIONS A. I'm working on an Asus Tuf Dash F15 gaming laptop with Windows 11. B. Its Device Specifications are given below: Device name: LAPTOP-H6RQDLVH Processo: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11300H @ 3.10GHz 3.11 GHz Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (7.68 GB usable) System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor C. My Windows Specifications are here: Edition: Windows 11 Home Single Language Version: 22H2 Installed on: 12/‎21/‎2022 OS build: 22621.1555 Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22640.1000.0 D. Let me now inform you about my laptop's Storage situation with the screenshot below: E. My laptop's Audio Input and Output Devices are shown in the screenshot below: F. Besides these devices, my laptop's Sound, Video and Game Controllers are shown in another screenshot below. MY QUERIES ABOUT CAKEWALK PREFERENCES: 1. The Audio -- Devices section in my Cakewalk's Preferences show my Realtek (r) Audio in a dimmed manner. It doesn't let me select them. On the other hand, it shows only the Asus Utility with check marks ON which are not dimmed. These are shown in the screenshot below. Are these settings okay for me? 2. Next thing is about Audio -- Driver Settings. It only shows Asus Utility, not the Realtek (R) Audio. Please see the screenshot below. I've done nothing here. All the setting are automatically selected. Are these settings okay for me? 3. The next big thing is about setting proper Driver Mode in my Cakewalk's Audio Playback and Recording Settings. I selected WASAPI Shared as the Driver Mode. Please see the attached screenshot below. Are all the settings okay here? 4. Now about MIDI Input and Output Devices settings. Please see the screenshot below. Here, Casio USB -MIDI is the midi I'm using. It's connected to my laptop while I use Cakewalk. I've checked them to ON status as my MIDI Input and Output Devices. I've also checked Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. Should have I done this or should I uncheck it? 5. The next question is about MIDI Playback and Recording settings. Please see the screenshot below. The Driver Mode is set up to MME automatically. Should I change it to UWP? What about the other settings here? Are they okay for me? Please help me regarding the settings, and suggest me how I could get rid of the Latency Issue while recording from my Casio USB-MIDI. Thank you.
  7. Hello, plese, could somebody report real numbers of ASIO latency for Behringer UMC 1820 for the last several lowest buffer size computed by Cakewalk at the properties pane? Please, could you report your hardware specs and lowest possible buffer size as well? Eventually, can you predict if AMD Ryzen 9 5950X will handle the lowest buffer sizes? Thank you
  8. To those who have a similar problem with latency issues "feeling" more delay than it actually says, I found an odd solution that seemed to fix this problem. The reason I say this is because when using my WASAPI Exclusive drivers on my midi keyboard had a noticeably less lag than if I were to use my Zoom U24 Audio Interface. To fix this, every time I open Cakewalk, I would close the start menu and open preferences. I'd go under Audio > Devices and uncheck all input and output drivers and hit Apply. Then I would check both again and hit Apply then Close. From there I can open any projects with a noticeably lower latency. Note, this also fixed my random audio dropouts and crackling noise. I wasn't surprised to see some compatibility issues when using this on Cakewalk after seeing the Manual's tested DAWs didn't have Sonar in it. But after finding this weird fix, I hope to help other people who may have a similar issue with this Audio Interface or some other brands. If anyone finds a permanent fix that would help us all please leave in your say
  9. Hello, i am using a high spec gaming laptop(windows10 ) , which has no latency while using in daw's like reaper with Alesis vmini midi keyboard ...but when i use band lab in chrome , there is latency ...is there anyway , we can use asio4All in chrome browser , i think , its to do with the audio drivers...........when i change windows audio to 16 bit 41000 khz, it is slightly better but not playable as there is latency ....can anyone suggest , the solution for it ? Thankyou !
  10. I was having no issues until I had to rebuild my computer from scratch. After reinstalling Windows and then CbB, I am now getting severe latency when playing softsynths. I tried changing the ASIO buffer size on my Audient ID 14 to the smallest and largest settings and everything in the middle, and still the same. Is there anything in CbB I can check? I am running at 44.1/24. Thank You!
  11. Hi folks! If you want a simple trick to have latency free recording, with FX, but no special hardware - check out my video. I show you how to do it in Cakewalk by Bandlab, but this could be applied to other DAWs WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/-huBF5lrqRM
  12. I’ve recently started using Neutron 3 from Izotope and noticed a considerable amount of latency added. It disappears with it bypassed. Are there any settings to help CbB work smoother with it, or does it just not work well with it generally?
  13. Apologies for the length of this post, Its a complex knot and I've been at it a long time. The problem is sporadic and doesn't seem to follow any consistent logic. I'm writing here after several weeks of running the well-beaten trail of this problem with the usual suspects, (sound card and Microsoft support). I have not changed anything significant in the last year but suddenly encountered severe dropout and static about 3 months ago. The static is sometimes only heard and not recorded, the dropout sometimes so severe I get the blue screen ( blue screen report only says Windows stopped unexpectedly). The dropout records as an electric buzz. Here is a short synopsis of questions, a longer description follows: -Could 2 video cards ( both NVIDEA) using the same driver cause this -Could 4 monitors cause this, ( sometimes disconnecting a monitor or disabling one of the cards ( 2 monitors) seems to reduce the chance of dropout ( or red ink in latency monitor) -Could there be a physical electrical problem , (short circuits, overloaded power demands) -Is there an inherent Windows 10 problem with sound recording revolving around the ACPI Driver for NT routine? I am running windows 10 Pro up to date ( latest build) on a SSD drive, projects and VST banks on a separate SSD drive. Board is MSI Z390-A Pro with i7 3.6Ghz and 64 G of RAM. I have a Native instrument controller (USB powered) and a digital piano connected via separate midi cables to a Powered USB bar that is plugged to a USB 3.1 Gen 2 port. I have 2 sound cards ( not using simultaneous, just to say I've swapped them out and the problem persists) Focusrite scarlet 2i2 and EVO 8. I believe I have swapped out every component listed above including the computer. I do not experience this problem with the same sound card connected to my laptop running Windows 10 Home. Windows, sound card drivers, video card drivers and chipset drivers are up to date, ( and throttling is disabled). Power settings are specifically set for sound recording (including disabling USB suspected suspend). This problem persists after deactivating all other unrelated devices, (network card, Realtek onboard sound, wacom tablet, NVIDIA high definition audio) I am turning in circles because behavior is not repeatable. Running a test several times produces a consistent result one day and not another. At times I thought the problem could be electrical, because I often get shocks ( little sparks) in my headphones that cause the mic light to flash which means they are being recorded. But they don't correspond to moments of static while recording and the shocks aren't new. For a short period it seemed as I was getting a correlation between dropout and touching the keyboard or pedal of the piano, but that too was not consistent. Computer and 3 monitors are connected to one bar, midi controller, USB bar, piano and a fourth monitor are connected to a second bar, each bar to separate 3 prong outlets. USB bar has both MIDI USB cables and the NI controller power. Steps taken Starting with the sound card I explored the full range of buffer settings, and then ( with tech support) installed and ran latency monitor several times while recording. I ran the utility many times while experiencing dropout and static, Latency Monitor blames a large spectrum of services and devices on my computer rarely the same. ( dxgkrnl.sys direct X, nvlddmkm.sys - NVIDIA Window, ACPI.sys - ACPI Driver for NT. The ACPI driver is the current darling culprit for this problem on the Microsoft forum, because latency monitor frequently records that it is the highest DPC routine execution time. I am starting to ask the question what is causing the ACPI Driver for NT routine to overrun? On one occasion I tried swapping out Cakewalk ( I have the latest update but the problem has survived at least 2 updates) I ran latency monitor while recording a single audio track in Cakewalk and then in Audacity. Latency Monitor turned red within seconds during the Cakewalk recording which produced static all the way along and dropout that recorded as an electric buzz yet it remained green during the Audacity recording which produced no static or dropout. The latency monitor reports are very similar (expect one is red and one is green) both showing Direct X as the highest ISR Routine execution time and NVIDEA as the most DCP routine execution time with roughly the same numbers. However, these results, just like every other test I run are not consistent, immediately afterwards the cakewalk recording produced a green “suitable for audio” conclusion??? On another occasion it seemed to be the weight of playing back multiple VST banks. I open a new project file and record midi with no problem then add an audio track that produces static while recording but which is not recorded, then I open a full project with multiple tracks and I experience dropout and latency monitor flashes red. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  14. Hi, I found the bug in latency compensation which cause desync between tracks. Here is what I tried: [Working Corrently 1 - In Sync] TrackA : Instrument (no latency) + FX (has latency) TrackB : Instrument (no latency) + FX (no latency) [Working Correctly 2 - In Sync] TrackA : Instrument (has lntency) + FX (no latency) TrackB : Instrument (no latency) + FX (no latency) [Not Working - Desync between A and B] TrackA : Instrument (has latency) + FX (has latency) TrackB : Instrument (no latency) + FX (no latecy) It looks like issue happens only when both Instrument and Inserted FX plugins have latency. Probably, FX latency is ignored in calculation when Instrument has latency. I hope this information is enough to reproduce. Using latest version of Cakewalk. Tested on several computers, several plugins by different dev, several audio interfaces with ASIO. I think this didn't happen in the old version of Cakewalk (or SONAR) but I'm not really sure.
  15. Hello everyone, I'm using the latest 64-bit Bandlab Cakewalk on Windows 10, and I'm getting a crackling sound when playing 32-bit VST instruments loaded via BitBridge in 64-bit SONAR, it sounds just like if the ASIO buffer size was set too low on my audio interface... But the 64-bit VST instruments sound just fine, the problem only occurs with 32-bit plugins loaded with BitBridge! My buffer settings are OK, the rest of the audio sounds good. Very important to note : I've had this same problem with multiple audio interfaces (Focusrite Scarlett, Steinberg UR), and also with my previous Cakewalk version, SONAR X2 64-bit. I tried fiddling with the BitBridge server configuration and plug-in properties but no avail, and frankly I couldn't see any setting that relating to latency. Please help!
  16. I want to record piano music. I will use VST piano, MIDI keyboard controller, studio monitors, audio Interface. How to reduce latency? I have read that if interface has ASIO 2.0 I am able to set minimum buffer value to 64 or 128 bits. This is, respectively, 1.5 and 3 ms latency. Am I right? What is your actual latency performance and buffer settings using an audio interface?
  17. I have WASAPI-Shared as my driver mode. But still the buffer size slide is disabled. All cakewalk docs say that this slider should be enabled when not using ASIO. Please see screenshots. Thank you.
  18. Hi folks! Following on from a video I released a couple of weeks ago, I expand on various methods to fix or improve latency in Cakewalk. WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/gW1ZW9_sgXo
  19. It would be very helpful to have a global FX latency meter/analyzer, which would have an option to disable/enable/bypass specific FX globally (all instances) for specific task to reduce latency. For example if I want a specific plugin to kick in only on playback... Or if I want the plugin to be present and set in the bin so it is ready for mixdown or audition, but so it does not affect audio engine latency (bypass) and more. Similar to "global" FX on/off button... but selective for particular plugins. I hope I am making sense. I do not know the depth of knowledge behind the processes, just a user opinion. Including a primitive drawing in attachment of how I see it.
  20. A few weeks ago I noticed an issue with latency when trying to use TH3 with my guitar. There was about 100-150 ms of latency when echoing the tracks. This issue also occurs with MIDI Instrument tracks. I've tried it with XLN Addictive Keys and the SI Suite. Any help is appreciated!
  21. AlexanderMF

    bad wav playback

    I am new to all of this, as my precursor to anything going on. Thus far I have been able to get my Scarlett 2i2 loaded up, recognized, and able to communicate with the Cakewalk DAW. There are some latency issues I am attempting to troubleshoot with this. To be able to record my vocals with no drag, while doing so. Any input there would be helpful. Thus far I have learned something about adjusting the PLAYBACK AND RECORD BUFFER SIZE. Not sure what else to do. And or how or why that adjustment may change the latency. Second to that, I have attempted to upload music instrumentals ones I have made and ones I have found elsewhere. When I press play they sound horrible, distorted, unclear, almost as if not all the frequencies are registering on playback. They have all been WAV files too. Not sure what to do here... I am only using headphones too. Don't yet have speakers.
  22. Hi every one!! I'm loving CakeWalk Really awesome. I'm having a issue when recording Midi with my Keyboard. They're actually shift to the left while recording approx. 100ms In FL studio this has a easy Fix, watch it here on YouTube: Cubase has a solution for this aswel. Here's some info I found back then on this topic when finding a solution for this: https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/solving-midi-timing-problems How can I solve this issue in CakeWalk?
  23. I'm fairly new to digital recording and very new to Cakewalk. The Problem I'm having great difficulty with latency when recording more than one guitar track. I'm able to play along and record with the original track playback, but when I listen to what's been recorded, the 2nd track is off by a couple of beats. However, there does not seem to be any latency with recording the 1st track. CPU Specs CyberPower PC with Windows 7, 64-bit AMD quad-core processor, 3.6 GHz 8GB RAM Audio Interface: Behringer U-Phoria UMC22 Things I've tried so far optimizing my CPU settings in control panel shutting down unnecessary processes playing with the buffering preferences in the ASIO panel. I've reduced the buffering to 64 and the settings don't seem to take effect. See the attached screenshots for preferences and settings
  24. I'm trying to record along to a click track, but what I hear in the headphones is slightly delayed from the input, which creates an echo and makes it confusing as hell. I've got the latency set to zero, I've tried both ASIO and WASAPI Exclusive as suggested by Cakewalk tech support, and nothing helps so far. I'm using a Komplete Audio 6 interface. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Spyder
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