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  1. My cakewalk does not want to launch. When I try to launch it after installing all the necessary files, it has an error that pops up saying "The code could not proceed because libmp3lame.dll was not found" and then "The code execution could not proceed because sndfile.dll was not found" and then "The code could not proceed because lame_enc.dll was not found" and then because "The code execution could not proceed because iZotope_Radius_x64.dll was not found". How do I proceed?
  2. I did my first scan after installing Cakewalk on a fresh installation of Windows. In the log report it had deleted all kinds of registry keys now those programs are hosed. Is there anything I can do???
  3. I just installed cakewalk and I was getting this error message so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it again but this issue is still persisting. I am not able to fix this problem. I tried to search it on YT as well but I didnt get any result. While the install wizard I selected the basic option as well to get it downloaded and my VST plugin folder is in the C drive as well. I am totally lost on whats happening. Any help on how I should get rid of this issue and how should I configure my OS to run it will be appreciated. Also I am running a windows 11 Home version
  4. I got an Cakewalk installation error while registering some files after extracting step. I tried reexecuting the Cakewalk installer, but the same error came up again. I also tried deleting all the visual c++ redistributables, then reinstalling Cakewalk, and got the same error. I even tried running with administrator the Cakewalk installer, and reinstalling the vc_redist, but still got the same error. Those two errors below are main problem, I suppose. Actually the program seems to be installed after ignoring the errors. If I open a program and try saving the project, however, a message says "saving is not available before activated" and it fails.
  5. RHAJR

    Runtime Error

    Any ideas what might be causing this: I've reinstalled Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime. No joy.
  6. Hello, Whenever I leave a Cakewalk project open for a period of time and I don't use the software in that amount of time, I can no longer drag anything on my laptop. Cakewalks effects freeze when I try to drag them (see attached photo) and I can't drag anything else on my laptop until I do a full system restart. This only happens after I launch cakewalk then leave it open for a period of time. If any of you have a fix, besides for restarting my computer each time this happens, please respond here or dm me on discord: Nocturnal#8344 Thanks.
  7. Hello, who can help me out? i cant open my project,this is second time this has happened,i tried to open with (shitf+enter) without any plugins,but its does not open the project. project contains: vst instruments,midi files and wawe files.
  8. Hi, I've been writing a piece involving the matrix view and nothing else. After finally cutting up my samples and loading them into the matrix view, I saved and exited Cakewalk. Upon opening the project it crashed. After finding several threads about, this I read that the problem might be a plugin, and that I can track down which one by using safe mode. After opening the project in safe mode, there was only one plugin to disable called GroovePlayer. Now I didn't open any plugins at all, so I figured it must be something related to the matrix view. Anywho, I clicked no to disable GroovePlayer, the only plugin in the project, and it still crashed. So I decided that maybe something's up with the project. When I created a new project imported a clip, saved, closed Cakewalk, and reopened it, the project didn't crash. So I redid all of the work in a new project, saved, exited, reopened, and lo and behold, it crashed. The only thing used was the matrix. No plugins whatsoever. I need help asap this is for a project due tomorrow (technically today). Thank you in advance. I'm using an acer swift 3 with windows 11
  9. Hello, I'm new to Cakewalk with almost no experience and when I open Cakewalk, I get this popup: I'm using ASIO but I don't know which driver I should be using. And also, I don't get any sound from Cakewalk, and I think that this is the problem. By the way, I've been using this computer as a Minecraft server but maybe that has nothing to do with this problem. Thanks in advance!
  10. Let me describe my problem pretty quick: I've been using SONAR (Cakewalk) by Bandlab on my PC for around 2 years now, everything worked without any issues until now. Since the last update, when I open a project, hit play and then PAUSE, it's suddenly freezing and crashes. I already took a look at the Windows event log which just said that it has crashed... Now the weird thing is, that i never changed anything in the program settings since i used it, which is why i am curious what could be the reason for that. I'd be glad to get any help on that Cakewalk - [kick.cwp] 2022-08-06 15-21-05.mp4
  11. FYI - I have an Edirol UM-2 (by Roland) and Roland stopped supporting it at while ago, however by following the procedures listed here ... http://johnwarburton.net/blog/?p=25289 Or here https://www.tenforums.com/drivers-hardware/15790-share-successfully-installing-edirol-um-2-windows-10-a.html You can leave to change to the .inf file as windows 10 (no need to enter 11) and very important to turn off memory integrity setting like this on Windows 11 ... https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/a-driver-can-t-load-on-this-device-8eea34e5-ff4b-16ec-870d-61a4a43b3dd5 And it works again. What I'm not sure of if it will still work if I turn memory integrity back on again and reboot?
  12. Hola Amigos, No puedo instalar Cakewalk, me da dos errores en la instalación. Me dice que no encuentra un archivo llamado “FACTORY.rir” pero cuando voy a la carpeta del destino el archivo está normalmente. Y el otro error al finalizar la instalación es que no tengo espacio suficiente en el disco duro, cosa que es imposible. Por favor si alguien me puede dar una mano se lo agradecería mucho. Lo uso para trabajar mis producciones y tengo trabajos pendientes 😣
  13. Hola! Resulta que tuve un problema con el sonido. Ya lo solucioné, pero había desinstalado Cakewalk porque no me funcionaba. Ahora estoy tratando de reinstalarlo y no puedo. Me sale un error. Adjunto archivo. Espero que alguien pueda ayudarme.
  14. when I record any midi track, all the other midi tracks that I recorded on different instruments prior to the current recording are recorded to the midi track as well. I tried messing with the record settings and changing the type of recording and also tried messing with the channels but didn't succeed. help will be appreciated, thanks btw sorry for the bad English😅 I recorded a video that I hope will explain the problem better. WhatsApp Video 2022-03-30 at 21.53.12.mp4
  15. I don't know if this is the proper place to say this, but I want to report a bug on BandLab. I hope it is a bug. If not, someone tried (and succeded) to steal one of my songs. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/fc0f9879-337b-ec11-94f6-0003ffcd3240?sharedKey=OU6-u0pXy0avc1UnN3mgaw This song was made by me and made public a while ago. And now is private and apparentely someone else is the author. I wrote to @bandlab about this and never had an answer. Besides, two of my songs have now a collab that I didn't invite. I wrote to that person and she never answered, either. What should I do? Has this happened before? Thanks in advance. Maria
  16. This pop-up error message appeared yesterday for one (and only one) of my UAD plugins. Whether already being used in a track or in an attempt to add - as in the image I've provided. I re-scanned my VST's in the plugin manager and it no only recognizes the mono guitar amp - which you still can't load. I loaded Audacity & it reads both the UAD programs (mono/stereo) & loads them. I subsequently uninstalled everything UAD & re-loaded. Problem still persists. Any thought, guys? Steve E P.S. The only thing I was doing yesterday prior to this problem occurring was trying out some free plugins - Gsat I kept, others I uninstalled. Spitfire Strings. GsatPlus Burier
  17. seems to be just this one file, but the delete key has stopped functioning. partially. i can highlight and delete individual notes, but cannot grab whole measures. i also cannot delete sysex data or CC. went to edit>preferences>keyboard shortcuts and initially delete was set to nothing. bound it to edit|delete. that doesn't help. i checked outside of cakewalk to make sure it wasn't just a malfunctioning keyboard but i can delete text in a text file. i can delete midi and audio via the delete key in other cakewalk files. not sure what happened here though.
  18. I cant login with Bandlab assistant from my PC. When i try too it show an error message as following "ENOENT:No such file or directory C:/users/tesh/Documents/BandLAb/Meta/auth-production.json'. I have tried to reinstall , delete everything, But the issue persisted. P;ease help me out.
  19. In the first image, 1 = Audio Track 2 = 3 = Instrument track 4 = MIDI track. Only track 4 does not give audio out. So, we don't need to see it in the console view. But on unchecking MIDI from the strips, the instrument tracks also disappear. It actually looks like MIDI and instrument tracks are treated as the same thing. Please fix this.
  20. Hi Bandlab and Cakewalk support, I want to submit a crash report and hope you can resolve this issue. Since the latest update to Cakewalk when I load a project in progress I experience many crashes and cannot work on the song now. Could you advise what to do as I have never seen a reference to RPCRT4.dll before from Cakewalk. Please find attached the Cakewalk Version and Crash Report captures. Thank you Jozsef
  21. Howdy! I just downloaded cakewalk, and I made sure it was up to date. Upon opening it, the application immediately froze and would not respond. I then uninstaled it, then installed it again to no avail, any ideas as to what is going on?
  22. Every organ plugin I've tried leaves the last notes played still playing after stopping playing. It's obvious they do not receive that final "note off" command but there is nothing I know to do about it. There used to be a setting, as far as I can remember, the sent those events when this happens. I can also turn the notes off my doing a "sweep" up and down my keyboard controller on the specific notes that are hung. What I find strange is that it happens with all the organ plugins I've tried which means it has to be a problem with Sonar. Sonar 8.5
  23. So, I've been using cakewalk for awhile, but for some times now I can't import my audio file at all, it always say "RIFF FILE CREATED FAILED" when I try do it. Well, I manage to import some audio file into the playlist with some change in preferences. But it showing the status of "Busy" and didn't showing any waveform visual except if I'm zooming it in certain size, it is make a sound though, but of course I can't do something like exporting it. I've also been trying to search how to fix it, and see someone say in other forum this problem can be fix by deleting content on cache folder, but when I see my cache folder it is empty. There is nothing to delete at all. So, are anyone know how to fix this? This really force me to search other DAW, since I need importing audio in my workflow, but honestly speaking, I still want to use this as my main DAW.
  24. Ummm, so I'm trying to install Cakewalk after changing user's folder name and I get this error. I don't have the uninstaller, because I deleted all Cakewalk files. Could you help me with solving this?
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