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  1. Here is a fictitious little story about a young man who notices an old man sitting alone on a bench. After pondering this for a while, he goes over to the old man and engages in conversation. The result (since I'm writing the story) is that both come out of the conversation feeling better than before the conversation. My most thorough critic (my wife) said that she thought the song was sad. However, that was not my intent. The intent is that both subjects of the story are happy. That is particularly true for the young gentleman, as he got some insight as to where he might be headed in his life. Yes, it is not really the Blues but I couldn't think of how to classify the genre --- sorry. I have worked on several versions of this song and and in frustration with them all, I am posting this particular version. Therefore, I would be most appreciative of any crit.'s, comments, suggestions, etc. Thanks!! LONELY OLD MAN https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481 NOTE ON RE-MIX: I have completed a major re-mix of this song incorporating the suggestions that have been made below. Unfortunately when I went to substitute the re-mix on my SoundClick site, rather that just replacing the song it deleted the entire post! When I ask SoundClick support if the post could be restored they said ---"unfortunately, no- sorry"! I guess it must have been "operator error" and have to assume the responsibility for the deletion. I have just re-posted the song on SoundClick. As stated above, I have incorporated most if not all of the suggestions made in the comments below. I hope that this version is better. Certainly, I am much more comfortable with it! Thank y'all very much for the input - it is very much appreciated. I am still open for more suggestions if you have them.
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