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  1. hello les amis j'ai trouvé la solution pour cakewalk sonar "Dll ACT not installed " pas de panique appuyez sur "P" pour aller à la fenêtre "préférence " rubrique midi cliquez "surface de contrôle .... en haut à droite cliquez sur la petite étoile "jaune" vous arrivez sur la petite fenêtre controleur cliquez sur le menu déroulant ACT et cliquez sur "cakewalk générique surface " n'oubliez pas de brancher votre périphérique midi et vérifier si il à été bien pris en compte sur le port d'entrée ...une fois tous ces réglages terminés n'oubliez pas de cliquer sur appliquer avant de fermer la fenêtre ... bien à vous ami(e)s Musicien(ne)s ...! :-D
  2. Hi there, I'm new to Bandlab and Cakewalk, so i need help to fix this error " Bandlab Assistant can not open C:|program Files|akewalk|Cakealk Core|Cakewalk.exe" I tried uninstalling and reinstalled the program but I just cant get to download it. contacted support and im still waing their response.
  3. Hey there! Relatively new user/audio engineer here. First time post. So I just recently did a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro, and, for no obvious reason, Cakewalk appears to no longer function... basically at all. So, the issue is, every three seconds or less, no matter what I do, if I click something in the program or not, the entire program freezes up and stops responding. Even going back and trying to install and use the old Cakewalk "SONAR Platinum" through the Cakewalk Command Center yields the same results. Exactly the same. Freezing up every 2 or 3 seconds. Does anybody have any idea what is going on? Is it a glitch in a new update of Windows or Cakewalk? I just feel like I'm the only one with this problem! And I've never had this issue before, even with my current PC build! This literally has just started happening since my recent fresh Windows install! I haven't changed any hardware at all. CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X 16-Core Processor 3.40 GHz GPU: nVidia GeForce 1080 Founder's Edition MOBO: ASUS ROG Zenith Extreme Alpha SSD installed copy of Windows 10 Pro Interface: Steinberg UR824, running the latest Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver, output to power conditioner & Focal Alpha studio monitors
  4. Greetings, all I have updated BandLab Assistant after getting notification that an update for Cakewalk is available. I have clicked on BL assistant to download the update, but it just didn't, not even after several hours. It just shows "dowloading (0/0)". My desktop doesn't log out after any amount of time and doesn't require a password for logging on, exactly to prevent the interruption of downloads. I am running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 19044), with 6144MB RAM. Thank you
  5. I came back to using Cakewalk after a brief break and now my SI instruments no longer work and instead give me a pop-up asking for registration. The link to register goes to the defunct old Cakewalk site. I've also confirmed that the SI instruments are checked as an available add-on within the Bandlab Assistant. I'm not sure what to do in order to regain access to these instruments.
  6. When I try to start Bandlab assistant, it shows a window with a drummer and nothing else - no options, no way to do anything. What do I do with this?
  7. Watch the picture When I click the "update" button It says download(0/0) When I click "settings" and back,It does not any text When I reinstall the Cakewalk,It`s so slow and then It`s not working(download)
  8. so my update just sits here without downloading anything. is there anything I can do to try to fix this?
  9. I tried letting it through the firewall and running it as administrator but it is still showing a blank vertical rectangle where the login UI should be hence I am not able to download Cakewalk. Ps: I tried downloading it many times and it shows the same blank UI everytime.
  10. I noticed there are BandLab Assistant 5.0.6 and 5.1.1 in the control panel > Programs and features. It's same in my both primary and secondary computers. Maybe after updating 5.0.6 to 5.1.0, I guess. Anyone has this? I don't think its only me... I don't know why... Just wondering. How should I do? Should I delete all corresponding entry to 5.0.6 in registry?
  11. Hi there, I'm trying to upload a project from Cakewalk to an online Bandlab project. I select Project or a slection depending of my needs, then I choose the 2nd option (individual tracks). Cakewalk creates a folder in Bandlab Uploads folder, I can see the BLX file which basically a JSON file with all relevant information about project and tracks. WAV files are in Audio folder, everything looks fine, but I can't see the new project on my BandLab Projects' page. I can see some outgoing traffic to a cloudfront server, I suppose my WAV files are uploaded. If I retry the whole export process, I have a "No project changes detected" message. I've tried this for 2 projects without success. I can provide more information, screenshots, or logs (I didn't notice anything relevant in bandlab app dir) Help is welcome !
  12. Hello. For Bandlab assistant, I can't seem to figure out how to scroll down on the filters for searching loops. It looks like there are more filters underneath Cabasa, Celeste, and Chimes but I can't scroll down to see them. Can anyone else figure it out? I've attached an image below. Thanks in advance!
  13. I downloaded Bandlab Assistant and updated it by clicking a green update button. It finished updating. Upon clicking a green log in button, nothing happens. Attached is a picture of what I see. I have uninstalled and installed again, but the same thing happens. I have Windows 10 and a 64-bit computer.
  14. Today, I get Update message on BandLab Assistant. So I did update and got "Update Failed" and "Please Download and then Install BandLab Assistant manually." I downloaded "bandlab-assistant-windows-latest" and then installed it. But BandLab Assistant is saying "A new version of BandLab Assistant is available for update" again, again, again... Seems downloaded bandlab-assistant-windows-latest.exe is ver 5.0.4. I had ver 5.0.4 for a long time. Why do I get update message on BA? I tried on my another PC and getting same results...
  15. Hello, My BandLab Assistant keeps saying "new version available" even after updating. (I'm talking about updating the Assistant, not about Cakewalk app) The green "update" button never works for me, so I always do it manually. It didn't work, so I uninstalled the Assistant and installed it again. It didn't work either; BandLab Assistant keeps saying "new version available". Also, I can't have the information of what version I have, because that info appears when there's no new version available. Thanks in advance for your help::.
  16. I ve been using bandlab for years and found message which says "you need to activate in 13 days" when I launched bandlab yesterday. I googled it, also searched article about it in this forum, and found that I need to login by the Bandlab assistant. I did it, and re-launched bandlab, but the message didn't dissapear. Some web site vaguely said that there is some "activation" menu or something in the bandlab assistant, which I couldn't find. I uninstalled bandlab assistant , and reinstalled, but the result was the same. Also, there was a message "there're available updates" with link button "アップデート", when I launched bandlab, but what happened when I pushed the button was just flying to bandlab website. Is there any problem about my bandlab assistant or bandlab ? Especially about activation, I appreciate immediate help. Thank you.
  17. The new 2020.08 update for Cakewalk is now available for download. I'm on the install screen for hours after my umpteenth update (after uninstalling and re-installing it again :( I really want to get this update in soon, since Cakewalk has been giving me dropouts left and right despite my troubleshoots with driver settings and etc. I need those bug fixes, FAM! Please? :) Here's a snip from my screen to give a glimpse at what I'm talking about regarding Bandlab Assistant<
  18. When reading the documentation and other guides within the app, when exporting to Bandlab it supposed to just update the existing project with the name. This happens normally when I export multiple times during a day. But I'm pretty sure there are people who work in a span of days or even weeks and when I export to Bandlab with the exact same name with the project I already had, it instead creates a new project everytime. I hope this would be fixed or maybe just let us choose a project, not necessarily with the same project name to make it more convenient. Thanks!
  19. Just wondering... No update message is displayed when starting BandLab Assistant v5.2.0, however, there is new BandLab Assistant installer version 6.0.0 on https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk. Why no update message on BandLab Assistant?
  20. https://www.bandlab.com/erok89/no-escape-marchmadness-dd749e13?revId=7205dfa1-fe5c-ea11-a94c-0003ffd1c4f7 Just tossing this out there. Its a demo of something different but I like it and I hope you do too. Check it out and let me know what you think.
  21. I've downloaded cakewalk by bandlab and around 5 other applications using bandlab assistant.I downloaded it from the bandlab website. However,after I downloaded the applications,I clicked on bandlab assistant and nothing happened.The other downloaded bandlab apps works,but not the bandlab assistant itself.
  22. Do I need an internet connection, once I've downloaded and updated Cakewalk by Bandlab? right now I have Sonar Artist installed, but I'm curious about BandLab. I Only use Sonar with No Plugins for live use. Mainly for the Song list Feature and opening different projects for live use. I would like to use it without an internet connection. Thank you in advance! micdim
  23. Is anyone else getting the following when importing a Bandlab project into Cakewalk?: This was working a short while ago. I get it after selecting File/Import/Bandlab Project. It pops up for each track in the project. No sound is transfered.
  24. OS: Windows 10(latest) Browser: Brave(latest) I just found out about Cakewalk DAW today and was trying to install the software from the website(https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk). I was able to download the "bandlab-assistant-latest.exe", but when I tried to proceed the assistant program won't let me log-in to BandLab. I used my Google account to register for BandLab, but when I try to login, the assistant program loads back to the log-in page and says "Please re-try logging in." Was I not supposed to register BandLab with my Google account? How can I download the Cakewalk software??
  25. I can't install Cakewalk. Every time I start the download (In the process of: Downloading... (0/5) ), it suddenly stop. The time that the download stop it's random: could spend an hour downloading, and sometimes just passed 15 minutes, but it always stop (Sometimes when the progress it's (5/5) or (3/5). I don't know if this it's normal. But I've tried install cakewalk for an entire week and I'd never made it. What can I do? (Btw: my download speed is very bad tho, meaby that's the main issue, but there's no other alternative?)
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