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  1. I just got ZEDi10FX, a nice mixer that works as an audio interface as well. https://www.allen-heath.com/ahproducts/zedi-10/ Tried recording in Cakewalk and the sound is metalic, distorted. Checkd on driver and it was set to WASAPI Shared, tried to switch to ASIO and got this error: Realtek ASIO This driver is known to be incompatible with Cakewalk. Continuing to use this driver may lead to instability. For best results, we recommend switching to a compatible ASIO or WASAPI Windows driver. Would you like to switch to WASAPI mode now? I had to switch back to WASAPI because if I leave it with ASIO, Cakewalk becomes almost unresponsive. Has anyone has this situation with some gear? I have no idea what to do here? CW is useless with this interface as it is.
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